me joining the above contest, due 25 oct.
to join, click HERE!!
the contest is organized & sponsored by
here is my pic entry..
baby's name : Ahmad Ariff Shah
Age : 18 months
'Buchuk' in pic is lil toy car--my ariff akan bwk ke mana saja his lil car ni..
pegi jln2 memang bwk lah, like pegi taman (mcm dlm pic kat atas ni), pegi shopping dgn mama, pegi jln2 umah kwn mama time open house raya, pegi mandi pun bwk sama, ie dia akan main2 his lil toy car sambil mandi, tido pun pegang gak keta mainan kecik dia ni..
he's got few lil toy cars actually, with different colours and models.
sbb ariff ni boy, so tak delah buchuk like soft toys or teddies..
blanket or bantal pun tak de gak, me memang tak ajar gitu,
and ariff memang tak guna/isap soother or dummy..
dia tak nak soother tu ven me pernah try bagi gak masa dia kecik2 dulu (sbbdpt free dlm hamper baby daaa)...
so pendek kata, buchuk ariff ni hanyalah toy car kecik ;)
sekian citer psl buchuk utk entry contest ni :)

sgt cumil+hensem!leh ngorat x sis??hihi
goodluck...ahaaa comelnya...gebu lak tu, kalah CMG
comellah dia dengan buchuk dia hehe.. goodluck sis ;)
suka sangat tengok dia pakai tie..heheh..macho..nak ngorat boleh..heheh
memang comel..
gudluck to ariff n little car!hehehe
comeyynye ur baby ;)
ok. LuluS. GuD LuCK!
so cute! mana2 bawak jer kete kecik tu.. hehe... good luck sis!
muchas luvas,
suke tgk ariff senyum..cute sgt2..hehe
good luck for lil' arif..cute sangat..!
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