kat UK ni, newspaper free nama 'metro'..me baca bila naik hopper bas ulang alik ke univ..
and semlm, ternampak citer psl wedding at mcd...menarik and mcm kelakar gak..
me pun cuba cari online version..so nilah wedding kat mcd yg me nak share tu..
me copy paste from metro.co.uk

These so-called ‘McWedding’ ceremonies include a buffet of burgers and a wedding cake built out of apple pies.
However, there is a hitch. The outlets where the weddings can be held will remain open to the public.
Worse still, guests looking forward to a drink will be disappointed because the McDonald’s alcohol ban will still be in force at the restaurants.
Nevertheless, the weddings will be available at the chain’s branches in Hong Kong from January, with each ceremony costing £250 a pop.

Helen Cheung, director of corporate communications of Hong Kong McDonald’s, said the idea came about when a couple who met at a branch held their wedding reception there.
‘Over the past two years we’ve started receiving calls from people who want to have a wedding party in our restaurants,’ she added.
‘People said they’d dated or met there and wanted to get married there. We see this as a business opportunity.’
note : agak2 kalau buat pakej Mcwedding kat msia, ada ker org nak buat kenduri kawin kat mcd ni :p
setakat celebrate bday party ok ler :p

dah ade org buat..hihi
tahu xpe...
birthday xpe gak...
menarik!!!! ada la idea nak buat wedding nanti..... he he........
Macam tak sesuai jer...
Birthday party ok r..
Tapi zmn skrg ni mcm2 blh jd..
best nye couple tu kan..hehehe
belum pernah dni tengok tapi kalau boleh wat kat mc d macam jimat juga kan. kasi makan beger hik3 ;p
kat sini org nak makan nasi minyak
haha.ifa xmo.lala.kalu besday leh la..hihi
oh...nehi nehi nehi... buat kenduri kat rumah lagi best..baru seonok kumpul sedara mara. :)
ahahaha.. mcm2.. x penah dgr lg wedding kat mcd.. mmg unik btul... slalu org buat birthday party kt mcd ni.. hihi
muchas luvas, wawa~* secretwhisper.net
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