Tuesday 12 October 2010

Balamory - colourful buildings @ Scotland

my fren kat Notts ada ajak me &family pegi jln2 kat satu tempat nama BALAMORY...

actually, Balamory ni nama rancangan tv kanak2 yg famous kat UK (under cbeebies)...

the outstanding feature is, bangunan kat Balamory tu mcm2 kaler!!! kaler2 yg terang like pink, orange, blue, green etc

and me google, rupa2nya Balamory tu letakkan kat island kat Scotland, so agak jauh dari Notts...mcm tak sempat ajer me nak pegi jln2 kat Scotland tu...

nilah pic 'Balamory' tu...

ni infonya:

Balamory is a live action television series on British television (BBC One, BBC Two and CBeebies) for pre-school children, based around the fictional small island community of Balamory in Scotland

Balamory was filmed mostly in the Scottish town of Tobermory on the Isle of Mull,Other than Suzie Sweet and Penny Pocket, who share a building, each main character has their own house in the town, and each house has a distinctive colour. The colour of each character's house is the same as the clothes they wear with the exception of Penny Pocket, who lives in the Red House but wears blue, and PC Plum, who lives in the White House but wears a police uniform. They also have their own songs which they often sing during their appearances in the programme.

ada one of character nama Suzie ngeh ngeh ngeh
o yess...me selalu jer tgk rancangan ni sbb temankan my kids tgk tv..lagu2 nya best gak hehhehe
so Balamory dh jd one of tourist attraction jugaklah kiranya...memang cantik tempat tu..pulau kan..


  1. ooo pnh tgk building ni dlm tv..cantik n unik..klu kt mesia ni yg ade colorful building rsnya kt perlis je kot..sgt cantik n meraih..

  2. sgt cumil sis!hihi.tp leh thn sis suzie itu besar n bold yaa..hihi

  3. teringat rumah yg kalerful kat area cheras.. tak silap rumah penyanyi ct nordiana


  4. canteknyer..nnt gamba mesti mcm poskad ;)

  5. pemandangan yg mmg indah..ermmm...
