Wednesday 8 September 2010

what's the current status of IKEA cafe @Msia yer?

sbb dulu2 ie, ada issue cafe Ikea tak halal sampai kena tutup kan...

byk jer sources kat internet psl penutupan sementara cafe that was in year 2005 ie 5 years back... me tak sure plak whether now cafe Ikea tu dh dpt status halal dari jakim? kalau ada saper2 yg tau, may be boleh share2 kan..

ni me copy paste yg me google:

IKEA: We ensure our food is halal

New Straits Times, Mar 24, 2005

KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. - IKEA Retail Malaysia has taken stringent measures to
ensure that food sold in its restaurant and cafe complies with the
Government's strict halal manufacturing regulations.
Asia's largest furniture retail store closed its restaurant and cafe
last week for ritual cleansing after it was told by the religious
authorities to stop selling sausages suspected to be non-halal.
IKEA's food service operations assistant manager, Syahroel Azman
(picture), said the cleansing was done by 80 of the store's Muslim staff
supervised by the Selangor Religious Affairs Department.

"We cleaned all our utensils and cutlery, even the cups, the kitchen
racks and the storage area, which included the walk-in chiller and the
Exit Cafe area. All three of our ovens were also cleaned," he said.
Assistant manager for logistics Roszalena Mashurdin said IKEA's prompt
action was to reassure not only its Muslim customers but also its staff.
"The staff at IKEA's restaurant and cafe are predominantly Muslim and
the company wanted to make sure our religious interests are not
compromised," she said.
IKEA plans to verify and validate the halal certificates of its 11
frozen food suppliers, ensuring they sign a statute of declaration
stating that their current halal certificates were valid.
IKEA general manager Joseph Lau said only after this was done would the
cafe be re-opened, adding that the supply agreement with Muller Sausage
Haus Sdn Bhd, the food company which supplied the suspected sausages to
IKEA, had been terminated.

During a raid last Monday led by the Malaysian Muslim Consumers'
Association, Muller Sausages was one of two food factories found to be
producing sausages using animal-based products for casings.
Even the company's halal certification had also expired.

and one more source yg me google:

Berikut adalah senarai brand sosej yg tidak halal. 6 jenama sosej yang telah dikenalpasti dicampur usus babi adalah
1· Gourmessa
2· Muller’s Haus
2· Dew Fresh
4· Puteri
5· Miami Butcher House
6· Maspac

Pengilang yang mengeluarkan produk sosej yang menggunakan usus babi dan memasarkan di pasaran tempatan adalah;
1· Deluxe Food Services Sdn Bhd di Shah Alam (Gourmessa)
2· German Delicatessen – Subang (Muller’s Haus dan Dew Fresh)
3· Puteri Pan Pacific (Puteri)
4· MiamiButcher House – Batu Feringgi (MiamiButcher House)
5· Omcorp Sdn Bhd – Bukit Angkat Kajang (Dew Fresh)
6· Pacific Refgerating Sdn Bhd (Maspac)

Projek Koordinator PPIM, Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin berkata, di antara hotel dan restoran yang disyaki menyajikan dan menjual sosej menggunakan usus babi adalah

1· Palace of Golden Horses
2· Coffee Bean Tea Leaf
3· Hotel Equatorial
4· Ikea Cafe
5· Muller Sausage.

bukannya apa, sbb me selalu gak terbaca kat few blogs -some my blogger frens and some masa me BW, that diorang suka benar mkn meat ball kat Ikea cafe tu...kalau halal orait jer :)
me plak tak pernah mkn kat cafe Ikea tu...even me shopping dgn jayanya kat me selalu beli hotdog/sosej kat outlet/food counter yg dekat check-out counter tu...adoyai..kalau sosej tu tak halal, cian me kan..tak sengaja mkn benda2 gitu...


  1. dulu mmg ada isu sosej ikea xhalal
    i pon selalu makan kat cafe ikea tu
    dan selalu gak beli sosej nye
    sbb sosej nye adalah sgt sedap

  2. tak pernah makan kat cafe ikea, tapi ramai yang cakap sedap.kalau macam ni gayanya, baik tak payah makan sbb bole mendatangkan was-was kan?

  3. x pernah makan pun kat Ikea actualy...tapi kalau dah halal baguslah...mana tau teringin plak nanti,...hehehe

  4. me penah ber meatball kat ikea sekali seumur hidup me,selps mereka samak dapur

    penah msk berita,mereka dah samak dapur

  5. sosej yang kat luar ikea tu me and my hubby penah makan.yyyeeeuwwww! nasib baik dah lama.
    yang kat dalam pun kitorg penah makan. Nasib baik salmon je.tapi....

  6. me cuma suka karipap dia pastu refill white coffee :) so far tak pnh mkn sosej atau meatball sebab selalu penuh.. teringin juga nk makan tp mls beratur huhuh

  7. saya mmg xberapa suka meatball dia. nak2 sosnya hehe... org kampung >< tapi suka kopi IKEA. minum bercawan2 xpuas. baru2 ni pegi bufet IKEA tak sempat merasa kopi IKEA tu wuwu...

  8. mas selalu gak makan meatballs IKEA... tak halal ker?

    Minta2 la halal...

    Selamat Hri raya dari maslinamansor sekeluarga
