Friday 3 September 2010

Pesona Rasafah Giveaway Contest

me joining the above GA, due 5 sept.

to join, click HERE!!

GA tasks :
(1)Make an ENTRY about me (tuan blog-Nazifa)..can be anything…
-->>well, honestly me baru je terjumpa blog ni masa tak kenal sgt tuan punya blog, tp me sgt kagum tgk those yg involved in e-biz, termasuk Nazifa ni...may u have a prosperous biz yer!!

(2)dedicated birthday wish

Me, Mama Zharfan wish u, the bday girl, 
Happy 26th Bday!!! 
May u have the best bday ever..
and may all ur wishes and ambitions come true...Amiin..

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