me joining the above contest, due 16 sept.
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here is my pic entry..
this my Zharfan's 5th bday...celebrated here at Nottingham, UK on 24th May 2010, exactly on Zharfan's bday
why it is the best bday celebration?
sbbnya, first time my boy celebrate bday kat overseas tu..
and sbb my boy ni peminat and obsess sgt2 dgn Ben-10, so me beli kek bday Ben-10 for him, siap dgn alphahbet candles (me beli online)..cute lilin2 huruf ni..spelling my boy's name 'ZHARFAN'..
Zharfan memang excited and happy sgt2 sambut bday nya ni..
lgpun sbb dh umur 5 thn, so dia paham what is bday celebration all about :)
actually, weolls tak buat bday party pun, just beli kek, potong cake, amik pics sbg kenangan..
best bday celebration still...sbb papa zharfan (my hubby) beria2 deko umah dgn all the bday banners, balloons, nak bagi nampak meriah, happening, fun, memorable for our boy..
and it turns out to be very happening in pics and in reality pun :)
yg penting, kenangan bday yg best for our boy
actually, byk gak weolls snap2 pic, tp ni antara pic kami bereempat yg agak proper..
yg lucu sikit, my lil Ariff tak mau pandang camera (me snap guna tripod+timer ni)..dia sibuk nak pegang cake, nak amik candles on the bday me pun pegang dia..jd pose mcm dlm pic nilah..
and kami berempat sedondon pakai baju kaler merah and all in blue demin jeans! merah ni kaler kegemaran me & family :)
apa2 pun, bila tgk my boy happy on his's indeed PRICELESS!!
and me as a mommy seboleh mungkin wanna give best bday celebration for my boys..both of them (Zharfan & Ariff) :)

shanteq gambarr!!
really an adorable family!
gudluck! :)
gud luck..
kakyong memang xde pic besday ni.. @ tak pernah buat... huhuu.. so x leh nak join contest ni..
looks so meriah gituh sis! good luck! :D
best regards,
oh ni pic yang menang tu....tahniah kak.
tahniah menang jemput baca
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