Thursday 9 September 2010

because daddy's besday falls in Ramadhan..

so tak dapeklah nak celebrate mcm hari2 biasa...Mr Hubby's bday was on 6th sept (last monday)
sudahnya, me tak beli cake pun utk Mr Hubby...plan asal memang nak beli..then tak jd sbb kalau beli sure tak sempat mkn, sbb waktu mlm lps berbukak puasa perut dh penuh tak larat nak mkn kek ke apa ke

masa pg bday tu, me siap beli bj online..a pair of t-shirt for me, and a pair for my order a day before, so pg bday, the tees were delivered to our doorstep..(me beli kat Next online sbb hubby dpt free delivery promo sempena his bday)

..sbbnya nak amik family pic pakai bj baru ngeh ngeh ngeh

bj2 ni ada discount pun..the actual price agak mahal, but after discount jd murah ajer

t-shirt England me & hubby tu harga 6 pound each, harga asal 20 pound sbb official England merchandize kan..kiranya clearance lah ni..jd murah harganya

t-shirt Zharfan & Ariff tu harga 2 pound each, harga asal 9 pound

nilah our family pic on hubby's bday

and me & hubby

and as usual, ni pic my kids ;)

Happy Bday yer Abang :) me & kids love u sooo much!!!
then sbb his special day, hubby bwk me & kids jln2 /have fun kat Gulliver's Kingdom (family theme park)..nanti me story mori in one special entry :)


  1. Happy Birthday to ur hubby! Kat sini dh bz wat ketupat lemang... Kalau dkt boleh hulur2.... :)

    Salaam Aidilfitri, Kk Suzi dari Liza & family.

  2. so sweet n romantik x penah pun nak ada baju sedondon mcm tu...of coz susah nak cari... =D
    neway...happy belated besday for him...

  3. comel2 anaknya...
    selamat hari raya aidilfitri buat mama zharfan & keluarga di sana...
    walaupun jauh tapi 1st day raya kena sambut juga k..

    maaf zahir dan batin daripada abg eq sekeluarga di sini...
