Wednesday 25 August 2010

Rezeki 14 ramadhan : me one of the conso winners PolkaDot's Cottage GA!

Alhamdulillah, rezeki ramadhan..

me one the 3 conso winners :) tak de rezeki nak menang main prizes :p
dpt conso pun ok sbb hadiahnya cute ie coaster set :)
GA result is available HERE!

congrats to all winners (esp tiefazatie & Puan Bunga)
tq polkadot's cottage!!! 

note : tq azrynain for alerting me on theh GA result in my shoutbox :)

feeling lucky,


  1. congrats!! btw, thank you for the towel, i have just received yesterday !!! :) Emir suke, cos blue in color - so dia kate its a boy's towel :D

  2. sis..u memang LUCKY laa..hehe, Alhamdulillah!

  3. thanks guys!!

    @Mira : glad to hear that towel tu dh sampai..lil gift jer..:)
