Tuesday 3 August 2010

OMG...the Braun Buffel is mine!!! TQ hana @mamakuQis!!!!!!

It's a blissful Tuesday...for...I won the Braun Buffel Sticky Pad Holder worth $$$ in mamakuQis Grand GA!! Alhamdulillah..

i simply love the brand...and winning one item from my fav brand making me...speechless!!!

to hana @mamakuQis, many thanks for having the one-month big GA!!
may u have a prosperous biz all the way!!

congrats to other winners too ie ifa & ummuabdullahsyakir.
the result is available HERE!

to those wanna have a bite of our own msian famos amos esp for coming hari raya, feel free to make ur cookies order from mamakuQis yer!! 5 star rating for the taste!! u can request for sample too!!! hurry up, grab the chance guys!!

can't wait to get hold of my braun buffel prize ;)


  1. CONGRAT..U WON Again..and again :)

  2. @Peria Pia : tq dear :) :) rezeki sempena nak masuk ramadhan ni :)

  3. @ifa : tq and congrats to u too :)

  4. wahh!! my favorite brand tuh! hehehe...akak ni mmg selalu dapat tuah la! alhamdulillah....murah rezeki... tahniah kak... :)

  5. congrats!
    suzie dah rasa cookies dia tak? memang sedap!siap repeat order lagi.hehehehe

  6. wow!!! congrats!! rejeki..rejeki.. hehehee

  7. wawiiii!! i know you could win lah dear... worth it buat entry panjang macam tu :) congrats!!

  8. congrates for winning suzie! good to hear u L.O.V.E the brand. so am not worry now coz it will dijaga dgn baik *wink*
    p/s : the BB twin sister is with me as well!!

  9. wahhhh.. beraya sakan la tahun ni ngan beg baru yer...tahniah!
