me joining the above contest, due 31st Aug.
to join, click HERE!
here is my pic entry..
~this a pic of me & my mom..one of my fav, most treasured pics with my beloved mom...
because it was taken at an important event ..
that was during 'Anugerah Penghargaan Buat Ibu' event organized by Karangkraf...in year 2007.~
because it was taken at an important event ..
that was during 'Anugerah Penghargaan Buat Ibu' event organized by Karangkraf...in year 2007.~
actually, me nominated my mom -Hjh Karimah Yusof--for that anugerah, and was selected as one of the 3 finalists (out of more than 500 entries received by Karangkraf, as revealed by them)...the event was held at Prince Hotel KL.
Eventhough my mom tak dpt first prize, but being the second prize winner is equally sweet...with lots of prizes from various sponsors...Indeed, the pic is a reflection of one of the greatest moment that I had with my mom..queen of my heart. I love my mom unconditionally..for... she is the best mother one could ever have...raising her 7 children with lots of patience & love...my mom jrg sgt lost temper or marahkan anak2 (sbb my mom ckp, it's enough that my dad sorang yg garang/tegas dgn anak2) :) and my mom is the best friend for anak2..we never hesitate to share our secrets, mengadu2 tu biasalah kan...
back to the pic...here are some of the related juicy facts and stories related to the event in the pic...the great moment of me with my Mom..
♥our family all dressed in 'red'...sedondon one whole family...semua attend, yg tak dpt attend kirim wakil like my eldest sister kirim wakil her daughter to attend...we come from big family sbb we all 7 beradik..and hampir semua dh kawin with anak pinak ;)...why red? coz my mom suka kaler red...her fav kaler...
♥ni event masa my late dad masih hidup...my dad bangga sgt dgn my mom, sampai suruh me calonkan my mom utk anugerah ibu mithali :p
♥tukang bagi /penyampai anugerah is cik puan julita aisyah...dpt tgk her live...she's simply gorgeous ayu jelita soft-spoken...siap cium my mom lagi masa pakaikan selendang slps announce as 2nd prize winner tu
♥of course the best part is hadiah kan...lumayan actually kalau total up semua hadiah...like money in form of amanah samah (we cash out later), south sea pearl, voucher percutian kat pangkor, voucher spa, hamper Avon, hamper AOWA, hamper mknan apa ntah..lupa plak, bouquet of flowers, plaque, cert and selendang eksklusif...
♥last but not least...of course ni one of the greatest moment with my mom sbb me dpt gembirakan my mom...and my whole family...sharing is caring kan...and tak semua org dpt merasai pengalaman like this :)
ok, now tagging time..
me wanna tag:

Good luck to u and ur mom :)
slm dear..thanks for joining!good luck!^^check ur name at my list contestant yah!=)
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