Tuesday 17 August 2010

Does your current career/job/whatever u are dong now correspnd to ur childhood ambition?

me baca entry kat Mira Em's family blog..about her dream and wish to work at Petronas...so me pun rasa nak tulis entry psl ni..

of course all of us ada childhood ambition masing2 kan...
jom share2..
let me start with mine..
me masa kat sek menengah, me kononnya minat & bercita2 nak jd doktor tu...sbbnya? sbb tgk kakak sulung me jd doktor..so mcm nak tru kakak lah..and mind-setting me..glamer kalau keje doktor ni...and best sbb ada title doktor :p

lps SRP (me final batch amik SRP)..me dpt tawaran pegi sek yg ada science stream (me sek agama yg tak de science stream masa tu)..tp my mom tak bagi!!!!! me mengamuk gak..nangis2 seminggu gak..tp my mom veto power bab2 education anak2...so there goes my dream...tak dpt ler me nak jd doktor..

alasan my mom : cukuplah dh dua org anak jd doktor ie kakak sulung and abang me (anak no.2) my mom kata nak suruh me jd lawyer so that can be our family lawyer..

so me pun lps abis SPM, me masuk matriks UIA...me tak apply pegi overseas pun, sbb my mom tak bagi...my mom kata me too young & perempuan plak tu..
tp me memang bercita2 nak study overseas one day (Alhamdulillah, dh tercapai cita2 me skrg)..

so me pun masuk UIA, amik course law, me dpt scholarship UOB, so me was bonded for 4 years...lps me grad thn 2000 - year end, me cuti sbln, then 8 jan 2001, me masuk keje dgn UOB..as in-house lawyer..mainly buat documentation..buat housing loan stuff...clients 95% chinese...
aftter some time..boring giller keje bank ni...sbb workload yg agak byk..ada target berapa file kena siapkan..nasib baik me single time tu...so stay back pun tak kisah sgt...

and then, after 3 and half years kat UOB, me dpt offer from UIA (me buat masters part time kat UIA--ni pun struggle jugak sbb kehje bank kan fixed hours, me rushing nak attend classes after office hours and on weekend...kena study sbb amik exam, kena buat assignment...),

then abis masters, UIA offer me (me apply lah of course, then dpt keje jd lecturer)..and..bond dgn UOB belum abis time tu...tp my mom suruh me amik offer UIA..my mom tlg bayarkan balance bond (dlm RM2500 jugaklah bayar kat UOB...syg woo sbb guna duit sendiri utk byr kat UOB tu)

me start keje dgn UIA 2 may 2004...and then 16 july 2004 me kawin :) kira rezeki berganda thn tu...tahun yg penuh dgn kegembiraan...me kenal hubby feb 2004, lps 5 bln, terus kawin tanpa tunang2 pun...sbb dh jumpa mr right yg kebetulan tinggal kat kampung sebelah ajer..elloo..me dh umur 28 tau masa me kawin tu...

and then, thn 2005, me dpt baby plak..tu dok tangguh2 nak buat phd...
finally, thn 2007, buat phd...dtg UK alone
and thn 2009, dpt baby phd plak...
thn 2010, now kat UK..struggling nak complete phd by end of this year Insya Allah...

oh yer...me sentiasa percaya & yakin restu and doa my mom yg membuatkan me happy, bahagia, berjaya dlm hidup..
my mom was right..being  a doctor tu bukan keje utk me..sbb me tak tahan tgk darah rupanya..ada sekali me ingat me hampir pengsan masa doktor cucuk kat tgn nak amik darah me...and me spesis penakut..mcm mana nak deal dgn mayat :p
conclusion nya : me happy dgn career me..Alhamdulillah..me ni jenis bookworm..so sesuai kot keje2 gini :p and best gak bagi lecture, dealing with students :) and even me tak jd medical doktor pun, me akan dpt jugak title Dr thn dpn, Insya Allah...tu doa me siang mlm agar berjaya dlm my phd ni

note : me envy jugak tgk kwn2 me yg jd full time house wife..no stress, nothing much to worry..setiap bln dpt elaun dari hubby ;) rezeki and jln hidup masing2 kan...

uolls mcm mana? your childhood ambition = what u are doing now ke :) ;)


  1. wow.. produk uia.. duk mahallah mane la eyh dulu2..

  2. ooo,UIA...me dah agak dah(blhm hbs xplore ur blog :P) location mama zharfan area BC hihi

    UIA is a very nice place

  3. bertuahnyer family akak..semua menjadi..semua dr..termasuk akak dr to be..semoge berjaye yek..nur de gak bercite2 nak sambung master..tapi xtau bile nak amik..keje dulu kump duit hehehe..nak kawen lg..hehehe xtau la bile..

  4. Bestnye mama zharfan tgh wat PhD..bila lak sy nk smbg phD lak?? ;)

  5. oo..uia rupanya..umm..I love ke my job ya?susah nak jawab...hik3...some part suka,some part tak brape suka..balik mesia tak raya tahun ni?

  6. i love my job..sebb i know other people out there yg keje lagi susahhhh..hihi..so im lucky, coz i believe, my job sgt sesuwei untuk saya

  7. Don't love my job but i like it... :)

  8. mm..sekarang saya sedang kerja dgn badan yg berkaitan dgn akta. If 1 day saya nak sambung study sbb saya dulu bukan law student saya nak minta pendapat / pandangan boleh ke??

  9. dulu kecik-kecik nak jadi polis,
    pastu astronout,
    pastu polis balik,
    pastu lecturer,
    pastu doctor,
    end up
    jadi engineer.
    kita pun sama mak tak bagi keje kat overseas sebab mak ada anak 2 org je.bole gitu?

  10. wa..bestye family sis ek..sume kerja mantap2..tahniah kpd mak ayh sis yg berjaya mendidik ank2nye sehingga mncapai kjyaan sebegitu.. :)

    mmg kadang2 kita rasa kehidupan org lain lebih seronok..tp hakikatnye, kehidupan kita adalah yg paling best..sbb plg best mnjadi diri sendiri..kan..? :)

    p/s : wlupun jelez jgk tengok sis kt luar negara..huwa.... :(

  11. sama lah kitaaaaa... i pun ex UIA jugak... hehe.. i ambik BENL kat uia dulu.. hehe... lepas grad keje dua bulan then i resign sebab nak jadi housewife.. hehe and im happy with it.

  12. suka entry nih...kalau kat FB dah boleh click like dah..hehehhhe..nanti ada masa nak buat entry nih jugak..thannx ya

  13. i love my job too.
    baru 2ari lps i bersembang dgn mrhubby ttg topik ni

  14. suzie, i bace entry i realize, hey 28 is still young laa, i selalu rasa 28 dah lambat nak start. but its not.. and yes, ur mum is always right.. being a lecturer is the best option kan.. :)

    anyway, balik ni dah ade title Dr. doktor jugak kan.. :)
