Monday 2 August 2010

Comping talk : ever wonder how does a winning slogan sound??

me sgt amateur dlm dunia slogan for contest, but me love to learn from those winning slogans to come up with my own slogan...
tp me tak delah kerap sgt join contest yg slogan based ni (me referring to nationwide consumer contest)..sbb kdg2 tak dtg idea nak buat slogan yg best2 tu..

kat msia ni ramai yg pro-slogan..some from forum members like an Indian guy nickname Mr Slogan, and ramai lagi...
as for myself, the most memorable (lumayan jugak) winning for me from slogan based contest is when I won RM5K singer voucher, in 7-eleven slogan via sms contest. me antar less than 5 sms (kalau tak silap 4 sms)..and the winning tu, it happened just before me flew off to UK end of last year...

today, me baca kat one of member blog, pro comper nama devi (yg dh travel wordwide hasil contest)..she won again, 2nd prize in the star father's day slogan sms contest, and she just sent 1 sms to win RM3,300 worth of Tissot watch!!! soo lucky ! tp skills play an important roleno doubt

ni me copy paste from the star online about Devi's winning..
sbb me nak share the winning slogans...

‘Daddy-cated’ kids

TOUCHING, heartwarming and poignant. Such were the love declarations for daddy dearest in the recent Father’s Day contest jointly organised by Star Publications Bhd and Tissot.
The top 16 of the 3,300 entries received were finally selected after a difficult judging process.
They were each rewarded with a watch courtesy of Tissot during a prize presentation ceremony held at the watch brand’s boutique in MidValley Megamall recently.
Tissot brand manager Ian Lee said it was the first time the brand was participating as joint organisers with The Star for its Father’s Day contest.
“Tissot is well known for its men’s watches, which is why we came on board for this contest,” said Lee.
Rewarding dads: Some of the winners posing with their treasured watches for their dads during the prize giving ceremony.
He said the watches which the 16 winners (first, second, third prize and 13 consolation) received today were priced at between RM590 and RM4,500.
“We wanted each of the 16 to have a different watch to showcase our variety of models so that we do not emphasise just one collection,” he added.
Star Publications advertisement sales head Chua Chee Beng said very often, fathers are “underrated” or even forgotten.
“Every year, The Star runs this contest to ‘publicise’ dads,” he said.
He added that the contest would not be successful without Tissot and that the entries were received online and through SMS.
Great gift: Umadevi (left) together with first prize winner Melissa Wee’s husband posing with their Tissot watches.
“Though Father’s Day was last month, it is still not too late to present this watch to your dads,” Chua told the recipients.
Numerous participants had written slogans for their fathers who had passed on.
Among the judging criteria for the entries were creativity and genuineness.
Participants had to come up with a winning slogan that started with “I treasure the time with you dad...” in not more than 15 words.
Grand prize winner Melissa Wee, 42, was not present at the ceremony but was represented by her husband.
Her winning slogan read: “I treasure the time with you dad — Laughter you create, Love you generate, You’re ‘The Star’ I emulate, with Tissot, I Daddycate.”

Second prize winner Umadevi Vengdesh said her dad had a tough life when he was young as his family was poor and he was raised by a single parent.
“My father, who is 55 this year, is still actively working on his own.
“He is a disciplinarian but he is soft-hearted and loves us all,” said Umadevi, 31.
Her slogan was “I treasure the time with you dad as the pulse of our journey, that grips the heartbeat of my soul till eternity.”
Third prize winner was Sumitha Renganathan, 36, who was also not present at the ceremony.
The contest ran from June 9 to 22.

my comment : memang truly nice slogan!! memang deserve to win lah!!

then me pun gatal tgn google psl my singer-7eleven winning tu..ada kat website 7-eleven rupanya...
ni me copy paste..
kenangan terindah dlm hidup me as a small comper...
03 Nov 2009

Kuala Lumpur, 3 November 2009- 7-Eleven’s Ramadhan Lifestyle Bonanza SMS contest concluded with a celebration of double joy for grand prize winner Zakaria Bin Mohamed with his brand new ERA CM8 1.3L MPV worth RM42,000. “I’m really excited to win such a grand prize for the first time, more so when it doubled up as my birthday present,” said Zakaria who will be celebrating his 44th birthday this November.

“My birthday this year will be an unforgettable one because this car is a very valuable gift to me.  The 1.3L MPV is fuel economical and useful to my family because I have 5 kids and during this gloomy economic situation, we need to spend prudently,” continued Zakaria, an operation head from a local financial institution.

First prize winners are 33-years old Suzi Fadhilah Binti Ismail and 42-years old Hamimah Binti Karim, each takes home RM5,000 shopping voucher from Singer. “I was jumping with joy when I received the call from 7-Eleven and I can’t stop smiling for the rest of that day!  Now that I’ve won myself this Singer’s voucher, I plan to get a new washing machine or a LCD TV,” said Suzi.

Another piece of good news is the bonus top-up value from Celcom for the 8 winners of Celcom prepaid airtime. Instead of the initial prize value of RM625, 4 winners will be rewarded with a total Celcom prepaid airtime value of RM1,888 each, while the other 4 winners will each receives RM888 worth of Celcom prepaid airtime.

“I would like to congratulate all the winners and to thank them for their continuous patronage to 7-Eleven stores,” said Mr Ng Su Onn, Executive Director of 7-Eleven Malaysia.  “November is also a memorable month for us because 7 November (7-Eleven Day) marks the birthday celebration of 7-Eleven stores in Malaysia.”


  1. kalau amateur dah menang RM5K, kalau dah pro, habis la Mr. Slogan tu hahaha

  2. wah..bestnye sis...hihi..ifa xpenah try lg..

  3. bestnya yang menang.. reka slogan aje dah menang :)

  4. come on suzie..beat the Slogan Man..!!mmng rajinnya la suzie ni masuk contest kan..tapi betul kan, usaha memang tangga kejayaan..

  5. kalu dh kat level saya akak ni dah kire pro tau ..

  6. sweetnya slogan untuk dad tu.... caner diorg ber idea ek....???

  7. hi kak suzi, terharu pulak i tengok ur post blog ni.hehehe i bukanlah pro comper. cuma i rasa kepahitan hidup banyak memberi inspirasi dalam penulisan slogan. anyway congrats on ur winning of RM5k voucher from 7E.
