Monday 23 August 2010

Because daddy 'terjumpa' Ben-10 bike clearance stock...

masa weolls pegi Sainsbury last week..ternampak plak Ben-10 bike (in a box) ukuran 10'..clearance stock..priced at GBP 18 tak sure pun berapa actual/normal price, tp rasa mcm murah..
so me kata kat hubby, up to him lah nak beli ke tak

bike tu kecik jer, for ages 3 and hubby kata beli lah utk lil Ariff, sbb zharfan dh ada bike (hubby jugak yg beli the other day)..and zharfan pun tumpang hepi sbb apa2 ben-10 stuff dia memang sgt obses--die hard fan tu..

so nilah pic bikenya..hubby psg sendiri ..

and ni pic lil Ariff on the bike..tak pandai nak cycle pun, sbb tak sampai lg kaki kat pedak tu..memang zharfan ajer yg sibuk2 naik, even bike tu kecik jer :p

and then, me cuba check harga sebenar bike ni (online)..rupa2nya the actual price is GBP 40!! so rasa berbaloi2lah daddy bought that ben-10 bike for lil ariff :)


  1. what else to says? mmg worth it sngt2 kan..

  2. seronoknya lil arif

    lg seronok beli bike tu dgn harga cun

  3. salam ramadhan
    wah bestnyer dia dapat basikal la.. hehehe

  4. kamu sgt cumil ariff..mmg berbaloi2 sis..=)

  5. xkesah ler mahal ke murah kan uols...jnji anak2 hepi dpt basikal baru...huhu

  6. wahhh ben 10 kalau naz masih kecil mesti tak tidur malam peluk basikal ni haha
