Monday 2 August 2010

And the winners are....

tq to all 69 contestants yg sudi join my lil GA...
the lucky winner is...

no 49!!!

check the list and if ur number is 49, then pls email me ur full name and address yer (my email : possible, sbb i nak pos hadiah cepat2 ;)

the tougher part is selecting the winner for best-sweetest slogan...

me memang baca all the siap print-out ;)

to be fair, me shortlist yg ikut t&c ie not exceeding 30 words
the me pilih pulak yg sweet-catchy...
so the best-sweetest slogan winner is..

this is the winning slogan...

I follow Miles of Smile because..
you do what I do (blog), you love what I love (contest), you grumble what I grumble (family and life) and this makes you in me....

so to the writer of the above slogan, pls email me ur name +address yer
the first of the two winners whose their email reach my inbox first got to choose the prize ie between the towel or the t-shirt (me only beli t-shirt saiz S or L, so choose either one of the size yer)

in case the above 2 winners tak response (ie no email from them)  in 3 days time, new winners will be chosen.

to all contestants, i enjoy reading all ur slogans...kalau boleh, semua pun me nak bagi hadiah..apakan daya belum berkemampuan, esp kos pos yg memang mahal ...

there'll be another giveaway soon...bila follower me dh cecah 500, me akan terus launch my 2nd GA, this time different mechanism lah plak..may be pic based, tp pic yg simple2 so that everybody can join...and InsyaAllah, prizes akan lebih best rasanya - me dh beli few items pun as GA prizes masa me kuar shopping-mopping those 67 contestants yg tak menang this time, can try again yer :)


  1. tahniah pd pemenang..alahai sipi je ngan my number 46.....hehehehe

    tgu next GA la plak

  2. macamm kenallllllllllll je slogannnn tu hahahaha :p thanks !!!

  3. congrats Mira..ha, cepat2 email me so that u can choose which of the prize that u want :p

  4. bestnye menang ole2 uk.. next time kene try harder..

  5. tahniah kpd pemenang ..aduihai xde luck me nak menang ole2 dr UK. x sabar nak joint GA dr mama zharfan lg..hehe..

  6. tahniah kepada pemenang,
    berjumpa di next GA..hehehe

  7. tahniah pd no 40 lah.... jauh btul dgn no 49..
    slogan tu best!!! mmng patut menang..hehe
    x sbr tggu next GA mama zharfan :)

  8. tahniah pada winner ...

    2-2 winner adalah blogger yang sy singgah masa nak join GA akak ...

  9. \tahniah...
    dah ade pemenang rupanya... kakyong yg lambat semak.. ;)
