Sunday 25 July 2010

Zharfan, teacher, flower, cd

last thursday (22 july) hari terakhir zharfan kat school, coz school is now closed for summer holiday...sebulan lebih tuuuu....bukak balik a day before raya!! nasib baik tak bukak on the dot ari raya...
tak leh poteng sbb zharfan akan masuk Year 1 and dpt teacher kalau ponteng first day kelas baru nanti rasa lost plak :p

and teacher zharfan yg ngajar dia sekrg nama dia Ms Chapman akan transfer ke tempat lain...teacher zharfan ni seorg yg lemah lembut, soft spoken..terserlah sifat sukakan budak2 heheheh

so masa last day tu...his students , including my zharfan bagi mcm2 pressie like flowers, cards, chocs..

ni flowers (chrysanthemum)yg me beli utk bagi kat teacher Chapman tu
>>>nasib baik kat cni fresh flowers sgt antara the cheapest lah ie tak smpai 2 pound pun antara benda2 yg i suka about living in UK ie fresh flowers murah banget!!!!

ni me snap some of pressie yg teacher dpt dari students

and teacher pun bagi pressie jugak kat his colour pencils/pens brand Crayola

and card + ni the whole students (all classes dpt) ie cd pics students tu masa kat kelas, school trip etc..

me excited tgk pics dlm cd tu..ada 18 keping ajer pun :p

ni some of them..

 cooking class

 school trip to Notts castle

 school trip to Sundown theme park

 zharfan loves lego

now sbb school dh cuti, zharfan rasa boring lah dok umah...dok main2/gaduh2 dgn adik (lil ariff) and then sibuk ajak mama pegi playground aisehhh


  1. salam ziarah kembali
    lamanyer zharfan bebudak bila dah seronok pergi school..time cuti amat ler memboringkan pada mereka.....kan kan kan..

    bagus cikgu tu...siap bagi cd gambar lagi sempena perpisahan dia....btw...teacher tu muka nampak rupanya2...very nice yerk......

  2. waa, best nye tgk zharfan kat skolah..tak senang duduk la zharfan kat umah cuti sebulan ni...hehe

  3. seronok nye zharfan dapat sekolah kat sana. seronok je tgk semua aktivit diorg :)

  4. bestnya tgk zarfhan kat sekolah.. siap ade school trip..

  5. one month holiday for zharfan kan. lamanya. banyak gift yang teacher zharfan dapat.

    bila tengok xtvt kat skul zharfan..n compare ngan mostly kindie kat sini..kat sana lebih banyak bagi kids xplore benda baru kan.

  6. bestnya kan silibus kat sana...sronoknya zharfan cuti lama

  7. bagusnya teacher mcm tu. tak pernah jumpa lg cikgu yg nak pindah kasi hadiah kat anak2 murid. mesti murid2 tu rs dihargai sgt

  8. so sweet dapat hadiah bagai

  9. hehe..biasala, dia dh pandai, jadikan adik 'subjek' baru sempena school holiday ;p

  10. so sweet kasi bunga mesti suka cikgu tu kan

  11. hepinya zharfan kat sekolah...
    cuti sebulan gi mane nti? hehe

  12. wah byk nya lawatan sekolah. untung zharfan!

  13. sekolah nyer pun best jugak ...thats y orang suke dok UK kan.. the education, fun learning.. hope i boileh rasa one day

  14. ermm seronok...pengalaman yg berharga buat x sempat la buat lil arif...

  15. hepi je zharfan pergi skolah..hehe
