Monday 12 July 2010

teaser : its 296, so lagi 4 org yer ..before i launch my GA :)

nama pun GA kan...of course the prize is not a bungalow nor a's just an ole2 from UK, i suka jer nak bagi yg besar2 tp cost post dari UK ke msia teramatlah mahal, mengalahkan harga ole2 tu pulak jdnya kalau brgnyer berat/besar gedabak..o yeah, me dh beli pun hadiahnya :)

pic hadiah will be uploaded soon :) stay tune

me nak bagi 2 prizes, so there will be 2 winners..
one lucky winner (ie lucky draw based) - so everyone stands on equal chance to win
one winner with the 'sweet' slogan...details later
so kalau tak de idea nak buat slogan, u can still win if u are lucky (me myself jarang menang kalau lucky winner based ni hohoho)

ni entry posted from pc @school :p