Saturday 10 July 2010

Special GA kakyong[dot]com - hadiah harijadi utk Aliya & Anis

First of all, i wanna wish Happy  Bday to cute, adorable Aliya & Anis...may both of u grow up healthily, smart, active and be showered with blessings and love..for many more years to come

So what's the best birthday present for you dear?

Here are my proposed bday gifts for both of you...for FUN, EDUCATIONAL & FUTURE LIFE, all are equally important, and of course affordable and within budget, and they are based on my own experience being a mommy of 2 kids :)

for FUN, the perfect bday present would be this thing...

Baby Activity Pool Pink - an ideal first pool with sunshade and 3 inflatable rings to play with. great for splashing around in the garden, or for filling with playballs for indoor play.
retail price : RM 109.00 (ops sorry kak yong, lebih sikit jer budget kak yong tu..),the one in the pic is available at Mothercare, actually ni cth ajer...kak yong can get similar items kat mana2 supermarket pun, tp this design sgt cute sbb ada shade!!

why?? coz kaler pink, sesuai utk girls like Aliya & Anis and I believe both of them like water kan, so can have fun anytime, main air, or even boleh main balls together...boleh main kat dlm rumah or even kat luar rumah, sbb ada sunshade!! and trustworthy brand + affordable!!!
o yess, my boys ada benda ni kat rumah...they love it sooo much!! tp bukan brand mothercare :p

for EDUCATIONAL purpose, i'd love to suggest two items, first..

DOODLE this one..this one brand Fisher Price, available at Toys R Us (online+offline). retail price RM 84.90 (link : click HERE).. ni cth ajer, any other brand is ok

why??it's just the right timefor both Aliya & Alisya to start practising scribbling and instilling writing fun way...simple yet fun...just rite for them...boleh share2 main sama2, so kak yong beli one unit pun ok...yg bestnya benda ni boleh bwk pegi travel, tak nak bagi kids boring duduk dlm keta lama2 , or in flight pun :)

kat Toys R Us ada jugak yg bukan brand Fisher Price, so a lot cheaper like this one..

harga RM 49.95 (link click HERE)

kak yong boleh jugak beli benda yg cute ni...

ie wall lamp...i tgk these cute stuff kat Ikea, harga sgt reasonable ie RM 29.00 ajer..
ada mcm2 design like these..

what is so educational about these lamps?boleh ajar anak2 berdikari ie tido dlm bilik masing2 ;)
i did buy one for my eldest son, tp yg design tom&jerry, me beli kat kedai lampu biasa ajer.. ;) and my boy memang tido dlm bilik dia sendiri :)

lastly, for FUTURE, the best gift is none other than SAVINGS ACCOUNT for both Aliya @ kalau diaorg belum ada these accounts lah
boleh bukak yippie account (Maybank) or Nuri (Bank Rakyat)...can read for further info in my previous entry HERE!


to join this contest, click HERE!


  1. salam suziey,

    kakyong dtg menjengah.. i likkeee ur ideas... anis & aliya ade akaun bsn jer..
    tunggu ya penilaian nya nanti...

  2. tq kak yong :) hope my entry would be of assistance to u :)
