Wednesday 14 July 2010

Me won cookies (conso prize) from MamakuQis GA02...and quick update on lil prizes recently received--all from blog contests!!!

Alhamdulillah, rezeki hari won cookies from MamakuQis 02 Big GA...:) ni 2nd time ni menang this GA, coz there 4 rounds of the GA altogether :)

tq hana@mamakuQis :) and congrats to all other winners too :)

result is available HERE!

and sharing here some of the prizes that have just arrived..all from blog contests ..little2 yet sweet :)

1) foldable shopping bag from Izan (conso -my family's sweetest moment conteset)

2) pot/periuk cute (worth RM40) from MJ (maryam Jamilah) - 1st prize contest meaning of love

3) Lego from Brick Bastion - mystery prize for the most creative blog entry

4) Thumb Drive and CD case from MamakuQis GA01 - me won 1st prize :)

happy me,


  1. ah, bestnya...macam2 hadiah ada...berkat kesungguhan join mcm2 contest/GA/LD...congrats sis...

  2. all from blog contest?? rajin akk join kontes. pastu menang laktu. memang bertuah lahh akk ni :)

  3. suzz...i pun tgh tunggu hadiah lego Prince of persia...heheh...

    congrats ya!

  4. wah banyaknya... congrat sis!!

  5. @Ibu Ayra : tq dear :) rezeki :)

    @Anne Boleyn : tq...bertuah ke..emm actually kalau yg lucky draw based, memang jarang giller me menang :P

    @Ayu : wah, u menang lego jugak yer..contest apa tu Ayu? congrats anyway!! u memang superb!!

    @Momma Mia : tq tq..ala, sikit2 ajer :)
