closing date : 31 july 2010, 11.59pm
me dreaming of winning THIS!!
by Braun Buffel Germany

mamakuQis famous cookies & services
to know is to love
tak kenal maka tak cinta..
jom berkenalan dgn mamakuQis famous cookies!
mamakuQis nama diberi
Tahun 2007 mula beroperasi
Chocolate Chip All-nuts cookies itulah specialty
rangup dan lazat tidak terperi
sekali makan tak sedar dah habis sekotak - that's my testimony!
home-made product kelebihan istimewa
kualiti dijamin, harga berpatutan untuk semua
hasil usaha kreativiti usahawanita tempatan kebanggaan Malaysia
rasa setanding famos amos jangan tak percaya!
who's behind our fav famous cookies ni yer?
a working mama - she's an engineer beb!!profession seiring gaya
a businesswoman in the making, bertuah me mengenalinya
a mother to kuqist cutie pie - puteri tunggal dah dua tahun usianya
a dedicated blogger - i really admire your dedication and passion in blogging... cayalah beb!!
so mahal tak mamakuQis ni?? jom check out their outrageous prices!!
RoundBox SquareBox
RM25/box (320g approx) RM14/box (170g approx)

Special Request on packaging and cookie size are available
-->>definitely a LOTTT cheaper than famos amos beb!!
here are some sample of CustomMade ORDER.....
5LilPack for a Birthday Party

SmallBox for sponsoring Events
LovelyGiftBasket for Corporate Customers

CookieMonster for a Birthday Bash

and many more!!
any review/testimony for its 5 star taste??
of course!!!!
click HERE
and HERE
"Biskut ni Aku tak tipu lah mmg sedap sangat - sangat tak rasa manis sgt dan rangup gile kacang gajus berketul - ketul .. siap ade coklat chip lagi , Serius SeDAp..."
and HERE!
"best sgt2 cookies mamakuQis nie..
my bro ckp cam famous amos u...
mmg byk chocolate chips+kacang2 lagi.."
it's truly our proud Malaysian version of famos amos
mamakuQis famos cookies!!
mamakuQis blog classification
personally and honestly, mamakuQis blog is now one of my daily dosage!!
>>>>it's not on cookies entry alone...
all entries are full of sugar and spice and everything nice!!
honestly, other than entries on mamakuQis BIG giveaway
being someone who has passion in travel, i'm hooked to surf entries on travel..hours and hours - those entries on travel really capture my heart!!
and of course, i love entries on baby, special Slot, beauty, fashion, shopping..
OMG the list goes on and on and on...:p
check out mamakuQis blog classification at journey.goes.on!!
mamakuQis "Share" button at some blog post
the bonus part, latest addition to mamakuQis blog is
S.H.A.R.E feature!!!
sharing is caring hohoho
the 'share' button can be seen in some special entries, for example
now just click on the 'share' button at some of the blog entries @mamakuQis
and taraa..
u are done!!!...the entry is now shared with ur frens and beloved ones!!
and dun forget...mamakuQis is on FB too!!!
heyy..come on...everybody is on FB now...:p :p
i'm now one of mamakuQis many fans on FB -
a simple click 'like' and it's done!!! we are now frens on FB...gosh, making frens on FB is now super easy-peasy ...easier than ABC!!!
and all update on mamakuQis are all there on the FB!!
my favourite mamakuQis blog post
why!! coz i was the one who requested for it!! knowing that hana has been on Europe tour last year..:) :)
it is a perfect guide for me and those planning to visit Paris...
in fact i have printed out the entries..and after looking at the marvellous pics & the story, me jadi lagi super-excited to visit Paris soon..
my other fav is entries on qist - from honeymoon days, to conceive & born, to 1st year and to qist 1st bday...sukanya me baca rhyming entry tu..
with all the nice, cutest pics of lil qist!!
it took 2 years
to have you with us
it took 2 years
to see your smile
it took 2 years
to appreciate the meaning
it took 2 years
to make us understand
to have you
is a challenge for us
to have you
is a new light for us
to have you
is a rezeki for us
to have you
makes us redha for the past
the feeling that i have
when i knew it was you inside
is never the same as before
the feeling that i have
when i knew u r growing inside
is a blessing that i have been waiting for
the feeling that i have
when i knew it will be you
is the most precious that i knew i dont want to lost it again
carrying you was easy
carrying you was great
carrying you was a miracle
carrying you was just fun
~ written by hana.basri ~
me rasa mcm nak nangis baca poem/rhyme tu...sbb agak touching esp the moment of waiting until qist was finally conceived..amd the day she was born...(me memang sensitif aka cengeng aka senang nangis bila baca benda2 melibatkan baby :) :p)
my slogan (not more than 31 words)
"i L.O.V.E reading simply becoz..."
variety of entries so inviting,
generous giveaways super exciting,
thought-provoking postings that inspire,
travel, beauty, fashion the ones I desire,
dedicated working mom cum biz-woman I really admire!
(total : 30 words)
this is only in addition - not the slogan yer hana..
I truly in love with ..

nampak mcm sedap la cookies tuh
p/s: ni entri giveaway ek? panjang nyeeeeeeeeeeeee
gewd luck!sis..sgt menarik..=)
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