tips to strengthen marriage
closing date : 27 july 2010, 12.00pm
I hope I have the luck & rezeki to win....
Hugo Boss Selection Shower Gel for men 50ml
Bvlgari Notte Pour Femme Body Lotion for woman 100ml

GA task : to write an entry on
tips to strengthen marriage
which includes...
facts & fun facts
personal experiences/advices
personal pictures (including ur wedding pix)
personal vacation/getaway
here is my contest entry..
different couple different experience…this entry is solely based on my personal experiences..
facts & fun facts :
me kenal+bercinta dgn hubby 5 bln jer, then terus kawin…
facts sblm kawin –
biasalah gayut2 + berpuluh2 sms everyday kan…sbb masing2 excited nak kenal each other…
biasalah gayut2 + berpuluh2 sms everyday kan…sbb masing2 excited nak kenal each other…
facts at present:
now, lps 6 thn kawin, of course lah tak de gayut2 kat phone dah..sbb hari2 jumpa kan ..sms plak yg penting2 ajer :p like tanya psl anak dh mkn ke belum etc :)
tp facts yg tak berubah dari sblm kawin sampai sekarang, hubby sgt caring psl me..and of course psl anak2 ..
facts & fun facts :
me pernah berpisah (duduk asing2 dgn hubby) for 6 months (Sept 2007-March 2008), sbb me dtg UK further study…so memanglah seksa, sedih, perit..
fun facts :
the good part…me & hubby jd mcm psgan tgh bercinta jarak jauh..ari2 wajib call few times, skype, video conferencing..hubby beli italk utk call me kat UK , me plak call hubby from’s true indeed, absence makes the heart grow fonder!!
another fun facts :
me suka jer nak kuar berdua-duaan spent time dgn hubby, hubby plak tak boleh kalau tak bwk our kids..sbb dia rasa mcm serba tak kena…ada sekali tu..we went out berdua tgk movie –daytime kat TGV KLCC..sambil jln2 window shopping (both kebetulan cuti, kids kat nursery)..hubby punyalah rasa bersalah, so dia pun belikan toys utk our boy..kira compensatelah sbb tak bwk our boy sama2 :p
tips yg me nak share :
♥respect each other, learn to know masing2 punya perangai, habit, tabiat, and must accept baik buruk psgn…don’t expect hubby/wife utk berubah jd yg mcm kita nak, like kalau hubby jenis yg suka mandi lama2..susahlah kalau nak paksa2 dia mandi cepat2 kan (hubby I ke tu hhheehee), or like my hubby jenis yg sentiasa cool, slow and steady, me plak semua benda mesti nak cepat siap…so pandai2lah bertolak ansur kan ..or like me jenis yg tak pandai msk, so my hubby redha jer me dh improve lah bit by bit bab2 msk2 ni :)
♥sama2 uruskan rumahtangga and jaga rasa penting ni utk psgn moden yg rata2nya bekerja kan …cthnya bila me letih or tak sempat kemas rumah or basuh pinggan etc, hubby tlg me buat…and me & hubby take turn jaga both of us appreciate each other and tahu tanggung jwb our love pun become stronger in that way
♥cepat2 say sorry and mengalah bila bergaduh or berselisih faham..tak kisahlah pihak mana yg salah pun…ni me memang praktikkan, sbb kalau hubby tak puas ati or marah cthnya, me akan mintak maaf…and hubby plak, kalau nampak me muncung marah2, dia akan pujuk jugak akhirnya, sbb tak mau gaduh2 lama2 kan :)
♥give spice up marriage penting kan …sbb after some years, rasa mcm tawar sikit, or jd rutin dh hidup under one once in a while give surprise to one another…even bukan on special day kalau special day, lagilah penting kan last year buat surprise utk hubby masa celebrate our 5th anniversary – me buat cake delivery ke office hubby, and me masak and prepared candle lit dinner..and me deco bedroom with fresh roses and aromatheraphy candles :)
and this year plak, dh 2 kali me dpt surprise flowers & card dari hubby ie masa my bday and our anniversary last week :) – hubby tak pernah bagi flowers pun, until this year me pun dlm hati memang rasa berbunga2lah :p
nilah pic bedroom umah me - me dgn semangatnya beli fresh roses + pasang aromatheraphy candles :)
actually me & hubby biasanya pegi cuti2 msia setiap kali sambut anniversary, bdays etc…and this year plak, dh 2 kali me dpt surprise flowers & card dari hubby ie masa my bday and our anniversary last week :) – hubby tak pernah bagi flowers pun, until this year me pun dlm hati memang rasa berbunga2lah :p
ni surprise roses & card from hubby for my bday
ni plak surprise flowers & card from hubby for our anniversary
♥love, hug & kisses --kalau masa nak berpisah ie example nak gi keje everday me akan salam and cium tgn hubby, hubby plak akan cium dahi me…these sweet lil things akan create mood happy ceria sepanjang hari..scientifically proven (me baca somewhere in few written articles)
♥tiada rahsia antara kita..meaning that seboleh mungkin share apa sajer dgn hubby…and vice versa..cthnya ada prob kat tmpt keje ker…financial prob ke…after all, marriage is supposed to life till last breath kan ..Insya Allah
personal wedding pictures…
here are some..
personal vacation/getaway..
ni pics romantica de amor…ie masa honeymoon rite after wedding…we went cuti2 msia to few places like Bkt Merah laketown resort, Fraser’s Hill & PD..
1st anniv 2005 - me dlm pantang – so tak celebrate :p
2nd anniv 2006 - mcm tak ingat plak celebrate kat mana...rasanya just kuar2 mkn jer kot :p
3rd anniv 2007 - one nite stay pangkor Island beach resort
4th anniv 2008 - candle lite dinner kat umah baru.. and also a nite stay kat hotel sri msia bagan lalang sambil ‘belasah’ seafood – 1st time mkn seafood abis RM100 utk 2 org mkn huhuhu
5th anniv 2009 - one nite stay tiara beach resort PD
6th anniv 2010 - Nottingham
♥truthfully, spending time together, pegi holiday, short break, weekend gateway - is another effective secret of strengthening marriage (i remember reading about Terengganu state govt promotion of giving free holiday package to those couples who are having problem in their marriage /about to divorce stage)
and here are some more pics of me & hubby cuti2 msia (of course with our boy Zharfan) & later Ariff pun join :)
weekend getaway @sheraton Subang
and here are some more pics of me & hubby cuti2 msia (of course with our boy Zharfan) & later Ariff pun join :)
weekend getaway @sheraton Subang
hi-tea @revolving restaurant KL Tower
holiday @A Famosa Resort
holiday @Avillion Water Chalet PD
weekend getaway @Fraser's Hill (me tgh sarat preggykan my lil Ariff)
weekend getaway @Awana Genting Highlands
Holiday @Awana again - this time 4 of us!!
weekend getaway @Colmar Tropicale
holiday @Desaru
Holiday @ Langkawi
weekend getaway @ Wet World Shah Alam
Holiday @Eagle Ranch Resort PD
Holiday @ London

gud luck dear, suke baca kisah suzi n tgk gambar2 family suzi..
wah happy familyyyy
ada tak button "LIKE" for pix Holiday @Awana again - this time 4 of us!!
its so cute & funny at the same time. i kene buat jugak ni suzie~
@azura : tq sbb sudi baca :)
@AngahSayang : :) :) Alhamdulillah :)
@hana : tq sbb sudi visit and check my pun suka pic tu...tu aksi spontan hubby yg suggest poing gitu...guna timer tu utk snap pic sbb kat dlm bilik hotel kan..tripod tak beli lg time tu :P
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