low attendance percentage sbb zharfan tak pegi school seminggu masa kena chicken pox tu...
from my own observation, education system kat UK ni more to fun learning, less stressful, and not -exam oriented...bila dh nak abis secondary school baru ada exam like A-level utk masuk kolej..
masa primary school, assessment done by teacher - like continuous assessment..jauh beza dgn system kat Msia yg mana exam-oriented..tp i guess both have pro -cons kan...no perfect system pun...tp learn in fun way to sgt menarik...start school from 5 years old...ada byk craft activities, school clubs, school trips, sports, carnival, picnic, hari pakaian beragam,...zharfan memang suka sgt pegi school!!
ni me google...just for sharing:
UK Education System
The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from about 5 years old until the student is 16 years old.
The education system in the UK is also split into "key stages" which breaks down as follows:
The education system in the UK is also split into "key stages" which breaks down as follows:
- Key Stage 1 - 5 to 7 years old
- Key Stage 2 - 7 to 11 years old
- Key Stage 3 - 11 to 14 years old
- Key Stage 4 - 14 to 16 years old
Students are assessed at the end of each stage. The most important assessment occurs at age 16 when students pursue their GCSE's or General Certificate of Secondary Education. Once students complete their GCSE's they have the choice to go onto further education and then potential higher education, or finish school and go into the working world.

Yela, barula cikgu pun xde pening asyik pikir nk wat soalan exam je...pastu budak2 pun berdebar2 je nk kena exam je, padahal dunia mereka begitu indah utk diterokai drpd otak diprogramkan tuk jwb exam...hehehe
suka baca assessment cikgu-cikgu..
nampaklah cikgu² tu mmg fokus kat student mereka. masa skool dulu ayat "baik", "teruskan usaha", "ada kemajuan". balik2 ayat tu..huhu!!
erm lain nyer cara kat sane ngan kat sini...mmg la takde proses blajar yg sempurna, tapi kita bole ikut perkara yg baik kan...jgn bg anak2 stress sgt...tambah lak yg kecik2 tu...
erm lain nyer cara kat sane ngan kat sini...mmg la takde proses blajar yg sempurna, tapi kita bole ikut perkara yg baik kan...jgn bg anak2 stress sgt...tambah lak yg kecik2 tu...
care kite is too exam oriented.. i am so sorry to say this but you could see that some kindergarten pun dah practise kan exam oriented, kesian untuk budak yang baru nak kenal dunia...
and tengok la macam kite bile dah besar ni.. ade orang nak ingat or nak amik tau UPSR kite dapat berape, PMR berape, to me only SPM yang nampak value dia..
sama la dgn kat sini jgk bkn exam oriented. 1 kebaikannya, anak2 tak stress & suka gi sekolah
kak suzie simpan baik2 ye report zharfan tu. nanti dia besar bg dia tgk, mesti dia bangga dan suka. saya sampai skang masih ada report kad kindergarten (masa tu kat USA ikut ayah buat MSc), sbb umi saya simpan dlm envelope semua. bila time belek2 balik, mmg sengih sorg2 especially tang cikgu tulis 100% utk hafal A-Z, dan 80% je utk Z-A. klo suh hafal Z-a skang pon pasti x lepas lg hehehe....
True! My SIL yg sedang break from Doctorate kat Ireland share crita macam maner 4 org anak dia skolah kat sana. Very flexi, enjoying & banyak hands-on & field trip. Cikgu anak2 dia siap heran naper my SIL keep on asking on her child's studies coz dah terbiasa buat cenggitu kat mesia, alih2 sana study lebih santai & independent. Exam bukan semata-mata, everything is being equally important.
congrates sis...
kalau macam tu baru la seronok nak pergi skolah slalu.. hehee
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