Rachel and Victor - the main 2 winners are my emenangited frens (who have helped me quite a number of times with contest thingy)..Rachel got the nickname of FB voting queen too :) but the fact is she's very creative and works hard to fish for votes :) so berbaloilah..
here is the LINK
and here is what me copy paste from the link for sharing purpose here..take note of the catchy rhyming caption too..:)
below winners of the Espetada Rustica contest!
Winners are chosen based on 50% votes by Nando’s management and 50% public votes of Likes by fans and friends.
These photos are judged by their creativity.
1) Rachel Beh Jing Jing – Grand Prize (RM500 worth of Nando’s vouchers)
2)Victor Wong Wai Tsung – 1st Prize (RM300 worth of Nando’s vouchers)
3) Queenie Xie – 2nd Prize (RM100 worth of Nando’s vouchers)

jing2...so good ..sangat kreatif dalam menghasilkan gambar yang menarik..kerja keras sungguh...
victor...kelakar tapi mmg menarik...
i rasa paling susah nak dapat org votes gambar kita...24hrs online fb pun belum tentu huhu
surf around and i terperanjat with your blog >.<||
This is so nice ~
May many more ONG coming to our way ^^
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