Monday 26 July 2010

Car boot sale - something that I would definitely miss when I return home :)

For me, I would say that car boot sale adalah salah satu trademark, keistimewaan yg ada kat UK- sbb kat Msia tak ada car boot sale ni :p (even ada pun totally tak sama...)

so what's so great about car boot sale here?
simply because of the variety of items, at a very bargain a.k.a CHEAP price!! the price starts from 20 p...depending on the type/quality of items

so last Sundau, sbb hubby off day, me memang tak ketinggalan utk ke car boot sale..this time pergi the one kat antara yg famous dan besar jugaklah..

what is sold here? u name it...from toys, baby's clothing, ladies stuff, house deco...the list goes on and on
and buyers/visitors are multi racial too..can see lots of mat salleh, pakistanis, indian, african, and of course asians (malaysian etc) :p

masa mula2 dtg UK thn 2007 dulu, me memang obsessed - shopping mcm2 house pun still minat jer beli house deco, sbb English style punya brg sgt unik & lovely and tak de kat Msia :p even ada pun tak sama or mahal ler :p
and my boys memang wajib beli toys kalau dtg car boot sale..sbb murah2 and elok2 lg...harga toys between 50p -2 pound on jugak suka beli crytal deco (for my sis yg suka collect crystal deco)..
and kdg2 kalau mls nak beli, cuci2 mata pun best gak :p

oh boot sale is named in such way coz memang seller ie mat /mek salleh bukak car boot diaorg and jdkan like stall/booth utk jual brg2..mostly pre-loved items or even new items like unwanted/unused Christmas gifts etc..

jom layan some of the pics yg i sempat snap masa my recent visit to Derby carboot...

ni pic my ariff tgh belek2 toys :p

nilah hasil rembatan me utk kali ni..

album set in a box - harga 50p (p means penny or sen)

frame yg sgt cantik - 1 pound

jewellery box - 50p

ni hubby yg beli - deco kapal- hubby kata boleh letak kat atas tv

and this one mangkuk hiasan -1 pound

and another mangkuk corak rose - 1 pound

and tak masuk dlm pic toys for my boys :p

sekian laporan on car boot sale ;) tq for reading


  1. giller la car boot sale...for sure barang2 tu murah2 kan...

  2. OMG..i love this kind of sale..!! : ) mesti byk dah borong brg kan suzie.. : )

  3. adakah sama dengan roadwalk di m'sia?

  4. i once pergi car boot sale kat japan, mak aii memang giler.. tambah2 derang jual sebab nak let go.. kalau kat malaysia, nak let go jugak, tapi lusuh2 semua.. my mum mase pergi UK dulu penuh kontena barang car boot sale dia jer.. and betul2 lawa semua.. dia banyak belasah beli furniture..

  5. wah syoknye car boot sale kat sane..mangkuk hiasan violette tu mmg cantik n cutenya lil' arif yg teruja dok belek2 toys.

  6. waaa..bestnyer..! car boot kat malaysia yg paling besar skrg kat maeps tp tu pon x totally car boot...brg2 pon mcm mahal jerk..bestnyer kalau dpt satu kat sini..

  7. ade gak brg2 dar car boot uk walaupun tak pernah smp kt uk..hehe..
    slalu nk pesan brg, my sis akan cr kt car boot 1st..mmg berbaloi,kan.

  8. best nyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! buat la giveaway untuk kami2 yang tak merasa barang2 car boot sale nie... he he....

  9. i like ...

    member2 student kat msia ni sll buat car boot ...

    tp sll g time poket kering utk shopping

  10. mmg best! kabut mmg boleh dpt mcm2, i missed it too..masa duk aussie last year cari jugak, kabut adalah gak tp tak sama mcm at uk, they have mostly garage best jugak! hehe..every weekend is a must...boleh jd gila..huhu

  11. wow byknyer brg jual..
    cantik2x lg tu..
    kalu mak eira confirm beli perhiasan da ni..~~hehhe
