Tuesday 15 June 2010

Winning consolation prize is not bad :) yiihaaa..me among the 30 conso winners

Yesterday morning me got an email from My Horizon (under Tan Chong Motor) that me won a conso prize for their Mother's Day Gift of Love Contest...my name no 22 in the conso winners list..

Me actually forgot oredi about joining the contest, as it is an online contest - usually online contest ni me just join and forget, without hoping to win pun...so bila dpt email, me happy jugaklah...heyy.... to win something is better than nothing...;)

prizes pun tak delah bombastik pun, but still free stuff and goodies- best jer brg2 free ni :)

and congrats to my buddy compers http://ayuarjuna.blogspot.com/ (no 14 in the list) + asfiedaimpiana     (no. 24) for being among the 30 conso winners :)

to all those who might want try ur luck in the current contest under MyHorizon (father's day promo) feel free to do so, due date today..click HERE! tp kena submit pic urself+ur dad when u were a child...me tak de such a pic lor...


  1. taniah...
    hadiah yang dapat pun tak kurang hebatnya...

  2. congrats again suzie ;-) suke bangattt tgk u menang, yup btul sesangat "to win something is better than nothing"

    caiyok caiyok!!

  3. alhamdulillah... tiap2 yang diberi itu rezeki. Tahniah mama zharfan ><

  4. --To fikaryna, SyidaMislan, maslinamansor, MAMA & wansteddy : thanks guys!!!! :) :) :)

  5. congrats dear

  6. wow i tertarik tang hadiah spa treatment tu hehe

  7. yeah!!saya pon dpt gaks...no.16 tu...hehehehe...tpi dia eja nama salah le..anyway congrat!!!so pasnie saya nak updet gaks psl nie..heheh

  8. aloha...suzz i tak tahu which winner for the top prize used devi punya slogan...ms die mng duvronik vou....hmmmm..
