Sunday 13 June 2010


my fren Ayu tagged me to join the above GA, due 4th July.

me trying my luck then...

details of the GA click HERE!

my comments about PinkLolipops...of course me like it!!!tgk nama ajer ie start dgn "Pink" me dh suka (1st impression tu!!..
service pun byk +pelbagai...memang bagus ni...antara servicenya...
  • Curtains (coming soon)
  • Pyjamas (coming Soon)
  • Gifts (coming Soon)
  • Dress (coming soon)
  • Bags (coming soon)
  • Baju Kurung (coming soon)
  • Ribbon Embroidery
  • Beads Embroidery
yg paling best sbb ada GA yg sgt best ni...harap2 ada rezeki to be one of the winners..

me nak tag:

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