Tuesday 29 June 2010


me joining the above contest, due today.

details click HERE!

To Cikgu Fairullah, i'd like to suggest the following stuff as bday present for u beloved wife ;) of course all the items listed below within the total budget of RM400!!

FIRST : a romantic bday dinner  or even bday hi-tea 'above the clouds' --at revolving restaurant KL Tower - (ni i letak  adik i punya wedding anniversary pic...REASON : sbb nak celebrate bday ur wife kat tempat yg extra special, she will definitely have a sweet, memorable day here....memang bestlah kalau u treat ur wife mkn kat sini for her bdy ;) bukan selalu pun kan...me myself plan to celebrate my hubby's bday next year kat sini :p kos dinner for 2 pax around RM250, if hi-tea, cost for 2 pax around RM160, tp kena buat reservation tau!! and on top of bday dinner/ hi tea, plus the following item yer..ie

SECOND : a bouquet of roses!!! cost around RM50 (boleh beli kat mana2 florists pun, actual price depending on how many roses u wanna buy), REASON : women and flowers are inseparable...flowers esp red roses is lambang cinta kasih u utk ur wife, lagipun bukan everyday u beli bunga kan, just utk special day like bday :)
and on top of dinner/hi-tea and flowers, plus the following jugak yer...

THIRD : few suggestions:

a set of body care set yg sgt wangi, cantik, lovely...brand Crabtree & Evelyn, cost around RM100, REASON ; women suka benda2 wangi and cute lovely like this...feel good bila rasa wangi, u pun mesti happy tgk wife u cantik wangi senyum gembira kan.. :p

alternatively, if the above is not suitable, can also give a nightie (brand La Senza paling recommended) REASON ; most women fell good kalau pakai nightie yg cantik2...tidur pun lena dgn senyuman, u pun suka kan tgk wife cantik (plus seksi :p)

or if still tak sesuai, can give a pearl jewellery set (Sabah freshwater pearls- byk jer jual online, me pernah beli these sets, priced RM95)! REASON : women suka jewelleries, tak semestinya gold kan..best jugak tukar2 pakai gold, pakai silver, pakai pearl...i guess ur wife mesti suka pakai these kan...hopefully!

so total hadiah ie bday dinner/hi-tea plus flowers plus skincare set/nightie/pearl set = RM400!!

happy shopping for ur wife bday yer!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks atas support dan cadangan idea yang bernas.. insya allah dalam pertimbangan saya... tqvm
