me just came back from Leicester, where me had meeting with my both supervisors...Leicester is about one-hr drive from Notts, and it is where my supervisore(prof)'s house is had meeting at his house, which is sooo nice & scenic...indeed a modern yet English style house, sweetly, luxuriously didn't snap pics segan, sbb me was there for official purpose...
ni pic hiasan...
the garden at my prof's hse is simply marvellous...pefect for lazying and relaxing...
masa lunch, my prof treated me and my msian supervisor with a 'panini!!' me 1st time heard and 1st time eating this...Italian amik yg mozarelle-vege fillings...jenis2 roti jugak...not bad...and filling!! ni pic panini that me google...yg me mkn this afternoon lebih kurang mcm ni lah, esp part roti tu... roti tu agak keras and crunchy tp sedap sbb mkn panas2...spesis pizza jugak...sbb Italian food kan...
me aware byk new contest nak kena curi2 masa join gak...esp yg lucky draw based, sbb very2 easy and fast to join, and totally based on luck...kalau yg creative entry memang time consuming lah...nak kena cari sumber inspirasi :p :p
and sbb me sampai balik kat umah dh 4.30 pm, me tak sempat bwk my Zharfan pegi klinik...cian my boy...dh makin byk bintik2 kat bdn nyer...esok pg lah nampaknyer rushing to clinic..
note : congrats to my budder comper ayuarjuna sbb menang hadiah2 suka sgt tgk beg gin&jacqie + beg paris hilton that she won...murah rezeki mama amani ni ;)

i love paninis too. slalu kalo lunch hari x bawak bekal, it's either paninis, or subway je lah hehe (kat plymouth mmg x byk langsung kedai fast food halal, so mmg kena amik option vege all the time)
@Oyis : ok jer mkn paninis ni once in a while :) tukar selera sekali sekala :) tp me still rindu dgn mknan kat msia :p
Semoga Zharfan cepat sembuh... Jangan lupa makan ubat tau :)
kak, kat freshie sebelah mary potter ada panini jugak..sedappp:D
nape rupa panini ni macam rotu john je? adakah roti john tu panini versi melayu?
waaaa nmpk sedap panini tu.hehe..bz2 pn sempat nk join contest yek..hehe..semangat tu penting:) all the best
hye mama zharfan..
roti tu looks like kebab.. :)
btw, u still studying ye?
tgk panini nampak sedap...huhu..
moga cepat sembuah zharfan..
suzz...alhamdulillah rezeki..:)...thanks ya...
huhu.. nampak sedap.. skali tgk mcm roti john.. regardless the bread la..
take good care of zharfan..
hurm..betul tue skang nie banyak sungguh contest..leh isi masa lapang :)
wah.. sedapnye tengok panini tu kak..
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