Friday 4 June 2010

It's a jovial time for my kids- all for free!!

This morning, me & hubby brought our boys to Sure Start Centre @Mary Potter to join their weekly fun activities for's called teddy bear pun bwklah my Pooh (that I won from Disney Kleenex), but it turns out tak delah real teddy bear picnic pun..ada sorang dua jer yg bwk teddy memang ada aktiviti picnic preparing food , and then mkn ramai 2 ie all parents and kids yg join FOC prepared by the centre...ada bread, nan, capati and their fillings like cucumber, tomatoes, onions, cheese, fruits like apples, strawberries, pineapples, raisins etc..kalau kat Msia susah kot (or may be tak de) such free things like these...kat Msia kena bayar kan kalau nak bwk anak2 join activities like this...:) UK can afford to provide these stuff FOC sbb negara maju kan :)

other than picnic, ada free activities like main kat playground, outside and indoor playground..

let's layan some of pics - tak sharp picnya sbb me amik guna camcorder (which is mainly meant for video recording)

esok dpt la my digicam -esok pg ada meeting dgn my prof from msia tu...risau gak coz kena discuss psl my thesis...


  1. susahnak ade, nak organize pun i think one bih thing jugak kan..

  2. seronokkan bila anak2 dpt g sure start ni. lg pun sementara masih ada kat sini, kita manfaatkan apa yg ada. :)

  3. waaaa sonoknyer bebudak ni main,teringin plak mama ngan sara ni ;-)
    anyway tahniah suzie,u menang dlm luck draw saidahipoh tu ;-)

  4. i suka kalau join activity gini :-)

  5. @Em's family : yup betul tu mira :)

    @Bunga : yup yup, alang2 dok cni, kena make full use of the benefit :)

    @Mama : tq sbb update i psl lucky draw saidah ipoh tu :) rezeki me dpt teko free :)

    @Ezz : me pun suka :)

  6. waa bestnye ade piknik2 cenggini..hehe..xde la rindu sgt kt mesia kan..hehe..bestnye tgk bedroom tu..mcm mesin basuh je almari mesin basuh btl..hehe

  7. bestnyer kalu camtu..lebih2 lagi dpt eratkan ikatan kekeluargaan...bgslah..=_=
