tp me still visit and baca blogs that I follow and those in my blog list ...kepala berserabut nak siapkan still ada hati nak blogging tu.. (join contest etc)
for lil2 blog like mine...blogwalking can help in expanding ur followership ie ur follower memang impressed tgk blogs yg followernya above 500 org, even those otai ones got 1k plus...(kalau joegromjoew tu dah nak cecah 2k tu..) me with the current number of followers ie 242 as at rasa HEPPIII woooo...lil blog kan :) :) and for me, rasa tak best la kalau me tak tulis entry at least one entry a day (not inclusive contest entries)...sbb dh ada followers mean some of them do read what i'm scribbling here at my lil blog ni :)
to all my dear frens cum followers, THANKS A u all!! muah muah...
me memang nak buat contest esp for all of tgh pikir nak bagi hadiah apa yg best tp within my budget :) Insya Allah, i do believe what u give u get back :)
have a nice weekend to all!!

to be honest, liza tak brape do blogwalking, i try too, tapi slalu tak sempat
teringin nk join contest org yg slalu mng contest :)
sekarang baru tau blog walking tau
seronok jumpa org2 secar alam maya rupanya
saya pon tengok mood gak..kalau rajin tu byk gak umah yg sempat singgah..kalau tak tu satu dua jek laa..kalau hari yg saya tak update blog tu mmg la tak berblogwalking langsung la tu..hehe..
i blogwalking almost everyday kalau i dok rumah.. kalau travel terhenti jap hehe
bergantung pd mood & masa. tapi biasanya tiap hari akan blogwalking jugak la
Kalau duduk rumah rajin juga blogwalking tapi kalau ada hal tertinggal juga.
i envy on 1 blog.that blog only got PR1 in 6 month,but all the traffic he get from search engine and mostly google.He never do blogwalking and i dont know how he got more than 1k traffic a day.Everytime he post,he sure got found ( title or keyword ) in page 1 or 2 in google search :]maybe you all should visit his blog
i give you all his link
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