Sunday 13 June 2010

Do u still remember ur excitement on the day u had ur very own bike..

me had a vague memory about the very first day i had my own bicycle, but I remember vividly the joy in learning to ride the bike without the supporting wheels...the joy of using the bike pegi & balik sekolah (when i was in stanadard 5 and 6)..the merriment of riding the bike pegi mengaji Quran, pegi jumpa kwn2 when attending co-curricular activities @school...

and now, I can see the same joy in my Zharfan he was so excited when his Papa decided to buy him a new bike..made in Italy tu..bought at Decathlon...and it costs almost GBP 90 with all the accessories...

memang me & my hubby are trying to give our best that we can afford to our kids...not to spoil them, but to give them a sweet childhood memories...and my Zharfan sampai lupa dia tak sihat because of chicken pox---tersgt excited dpt basikal memang suka sgt pegi tmn yg ada trek, just to ride on his new bike...

pictures tell thousand words...:) :) .
--->>all pics in chronological order ie right from the time pilih bike kat kedai, bawak balik bike ke rumah, riding bike kat tmn - in pics - two different taman tu...last pic taman kat belakang umah..Zharfan pakai baby necktie sbb Mama sibuk snap pic Ariff in bought 2 different neckties for my boys :) pics kat tmn in my next entry :)


  1. he's so excited i bet. kat mesia ni, kalo anak2 nak main beskal, mak bapak susah hati kalo tak pantau.

  2. i do remember, i was only 6 when i got by bike. trus pegi playground and tried it right away. jatuh segala bagai but the excitement was priceless, so i can imagine the joy zharfan experience!
