Sunday 13 June 2010

Daddies Cute B'coz of Me Contest

me trying my luck in the above Contest, due 22nd July.

details of the contest click HERE!
prizes are sponsored by Cute Kiddy Kiddy..a new eshop of Mr & Mrs Faez (contest organizer)

here is my pic entry..

Daddy's name : Rohisham
Baby's name : Ariff (13 months old)

~ni pic Ariff & Papa kat playground...kat atas tortoise batu to be exact...Papa layan Ariff main sambil Mama plak sibuk snap pics...
ni antara my fav pics of my 2 heroes ni...
sbb tak ada byk pic both Ariff & Papa tersenyum riang mcm dlm pic ni..hehhe ;)

1 comment:

  1. Salam.. CKK datang menjengah..
    hehehe very cute lorr both of u..
    thanks for join
