Tuesday 29 June 2010

~contest anda bersama si comelll~

me joining the above contest, due 3o june

details click HERE!

my pic entry..

mom's name : Suzi
Baby's name : Ahmad Ariff Shah
Age : 14 months (DOB 15/4/2009)
~pic taken at a park near our home, on mother's day this year..
sbb tak de pegi mana2, so amik pic kenangan me and my baby, while having fun in the park!~

i wanna tag :

1 comment:

  1. hahaha..cik ngah, wani kene kebas anok org dulu la br leh anto contest ni.. da cari td, xde gmbr yg cumel..kih3..xpe2..nti wani try join.. :D
