Tuesday 15 June 2010

1st WedDiNg AnniverSarY gIvEaway

i'm joining the above GA by Ibu Dini. due 30 june.

details click HERE!

giveaway task : to suggest wedding anniversary gift for her hubby..

so here are my suggestions:
note : i've checked all the earlier contestants entries, so that i don't repeat the same suggestion or ideas :p

since this is the very 1st anniversary for ibu dini, the gift must be something yg memorable plus romantic...has long-lasting effect and within budget ;) me not sure how much budget is allocated, but me assume it is around RM200-RM500 ;)

suggestion 1 : ibu dini to prepare an own made personalized voucher redeemable only by her husband...boleh buat 3 vouchers which means i love u...like voucher 1 : free special massage, voucher 2 : free breakfast on bed, voucher 3 : free apa2lah yg ur hubby suka - u ajer yg tau kan...simple yet sweet voucher will do, like u letak ur lips pic lps u pakai lipstick tebal2 heheh

suggestion 2 : go for spa couple - sbb wedding anniversary kan...so both hubby & u deserve such a treat, relaxing one!! byk jer spa couple kat msia ni ;)

suggestion 3 : a romantic dinner 'above the clouds' --at revolving restaurant KL Tower - ni i letak  adik i punya wedding anniversary pic...memang bestlah kalau u treat hubby mkn kat sini ;) bukan selalu pun kan...me myself plan to celebrate my next year wedding anniversary kat sini :p

suggestion 4 : if ur hybby fancy  electronic gadjet - u can buy couple wristwatch (come on, u pun deserve to have the special gift kan!) or PS2 or even PS3..perfect for unwind after a stressful day at work...again depending on ur hubby's interest lah...lain org lain minatnya..my hubby memang minat PS2/ PS3 ni..me bagi hadiah sempena his bday last 2 years :p

last but not least, suggestion 5 : sbb kalau ladies fancy to have sexy lingerie, why not give ur hubby a set of boxer/shorts plus brief/underware plus stockings from his fav brand ...or even a pair of pyjamas, yg branded would be lovely as wedding anniversary gift...nicely wrapped in a box...sounds simple, tp byk kegunaan tu...even pakai hari2 tu...



  1. ahh..spa couple..teringin nak pergi..kat ne best ek..?

  2. depends on ur location..kalau kat area KL/selangor byk jer..ada kat shah alam, kat wangsa maju/setiwangsa, ampang, kl city etc..
