Tuesday 11 May 2010

No Monday blues...coz me got double winning today ;)

Alhamdulillah...me murah rezeki this month ...May is my Zharfan's bday month, and my two beloved sis and bro's bday months (Hanim @Cik Teh & Nizar @Ayah Ja) :)

Today me won Giveaway Inspirassi Lissa (prize - baby stuff)

that really cheers me up in the morning...

and then, late afiternoon, me got to know that me won 3rd prize in Mummy with Maxi Contest @ Femme blog...the prize is sooooo lovely -->>me won a maxi dress!!! <
 The winning pic is snapped when me 6 months preggy...and the same pic also won conso for Ibu Hamil Menawan Pa&Ma last year :) manyak ong this pic and this dress...ni one of my fav dress ni...

Alhamdulillah...for all the blessings and rezeki :)

Note : me so excited to see my number of followers keep growing day by day...:) :) tq tq my dear followers!! 

happy2 me..


  1. Tahniah!! Best dapat hadiah...dah lama saya tak layan contest

  2. good..good...congrats suzz.... :)

  3. Siti Sifir : tq :) u tak lyn contest sbb u jd organizer ( i join both of ur resent contest- brooch+spec tu)

    Nur adli : tq :)

    Calyn : :)

    ayu : tq tq :) ur continuos winnings do motivate+inspire me a lot!!!

  4. kak, saya baru perasan yg ur pic tu dlm pa&ma mei 2009, sy br lepas go thru dat mag last nite, so bila buka ur blog dis morning rasa mcm penah tgk jer pic tu, balik keje td gi cr smula mag tu..n then i there i saw ur pic...hehehehee mcm mimpi lak dibuatnya..
