Thursday 27 May 2010

Me happy....for my beloved sis & bro.. yet...still sedih

Caution : ni entry penuh emosi...

Today is my sis' 31st Birthday...I only have one adik perempuan in this I love her with all my heart, all the sisterly love that I can give...and she is my forever best fren, she has been with me thru out all important events in my my wedding (she's my mak andam and wedding planner) and she has been with me in the labour room (together with my Mom) when I gave birth to my Zharfan,and she has always helped me when it comes to money i wish that she could have all the happiness, everything good in life...Insya Allah...and my prayers are alway with her all the way...
note : I baru jer pos her bday present last lmbt sikit la sampai :) I know she does sometimes read my blog, though she's super bz with her thesis :p

Second happiness for today is when I got sms from my bro, Nizar (my adik lelaki) and later the good news via skype from my sis, that my youngest bro (adik lelaki bongsu) has just passed his final exam, and now dh bergelar seorg doktor...Alhamdulillah...he's the 3rd doctor in our family (the 1st is my eldest sis, a specialist now, and the 2nd is my elder bro -a  dentist)...if only our late dad is still alive, he must be the happiest person, as he was always proud with all his children's success in education, career & takdir mengatasi Insya Allah, 2 org doktor lg bakal menyusul in our family (though bukan medical doctor :p)

I still remember vividly, masa my late dad sakit tenat, my mom was crying and telling me that 'ayah dh tak sempat tgk 3 org lagi anak dia bergelar doktor..'...and memang pun, Tuhan dh jemput ayah pada masa yg ditentukan, tidak cepat dan tidak lambat walau sesaat pun...semuanya dh tertulis di loh mahfuz...but I have faith and do believe that, ayah tau... that anak ayah dh berjaya jd doktor, even ayah berada di alam lain pun...ALFATIHAH utk arwah Hj Ismail bin Awang Besar..

ni pic masa kat airport just before i fly off to UK

in this pic, awie, my adik bongsu yg baru bergelar doktor tu yg duduk tepi Zharfan tu...
and my adik perempuan, Hanim , yg celebrate bday ari ni, yg buat tanda peace tu..
Ni semua wajah2 yg me rindui...esp Queen of my blue tudung...semoga Allah panjangkan umur Ma utk lihat kejayaan anak2...kerana Ma selalu ckp kamilah kebanggaan Ma, yg merealisasikan harapan dan aspirasi Ma...


  1. best kan kalau dpt togeder-geder mcm tu... salam kenal fanatik pink ;-) hope we'll keep in touch...

  2. @ Ezz : tq sbb memahami :(

    @Ibu Ayra : salam dpt geng fanatik pink!! :) yepp, do keep in touch!

  3. sedih dalam gembira.. but now u have ur mom to give whatever u can kan..

  4. Itulah indahnya bila berjauhan... kasih sayang yang mula pudar akan bersinar kembali..

    Dugaan yang harus ditempuh oleh perantau :)

    p/s: Nida pun add blog ni dalam bloglist ni...

    Rajin2lah jenguk kami di bumi Albany ni :)

  5. huhu..terharu i.
    btw, i am gonna change my blog address to very soon. will let u know the new one.
    xnak announce kat blog sebab nak elak certain silent readers tau.hehe

  6. terharu baca...dan tumpang gembira utk keluarga :)

  7. salam..

    blogwalking here..

    huhu.. n3 yg buat sy rase terharu juge..

  8. salam mama zharfan(suke hati pgl mama:) )

    thanks a million for dropping by my blog

    pandangan pertama about ur blog? =lovely

  9. tQ~mama zharfan n ur blog sgt lovely...;)

    entry buat sy teringatkn arwah mak...

  10. nazz sgt faham tu..bila kite dah berjaya..ayah tak sempat nak tgk..

  11. @Em's family : yup...that's very true...we all adik beradik now try our best utk buat our Mom happy..the best we can afford,give and do for her..

    @Nida : thanks...yup...absence makes the heart grow fonder...jauh di mata dekat di hati kan..

    @belle : ok, jgn lupa inform ur new blog add yer...change to dot com ker..

    @emi : u are part of the family pun...even emi baru jer jd our family :)

    @Ena : thanks sudi singgah...

    @Peri Pia : tqvm for the compliment :) :)

    @abc+milo : tq for dropping by..

    @Nazz-Purple : tq sbb memahami...

  12. Alhamdulillah.. tahniah n hpy blted bday untuk adik2 mama zharfan.. :)
