Friday 7 May 2010

Maclaren oh Maclaren!

Yesterday was the prize giving ceremony for the winners Maclaren/Avent/Parkson (ie my proxy--my sis in law& my bro) attended the event...and being the 2nd runner-up, we got Maclaren stroller (Frenzy  model) worth RM700 and Avent baby monitor worth Rm500+.

The event was held at Parkson Avillion. During the prize giving, only the Grand Prize Winner and 2nd runner up (my adik) attended, whereas the 1st runner up was unable to attend.

My adik asked them how many entries received for the contest, they said they had over 300 entries, so we are soooo lucky indeed to be among the main prize winners (berbaloi me spent RM200 to qualify for the contest entry).

Let's layan some of the pics taken by my adik...

My sis-in-law and my adik lelaki


  1. yeah, mama zharfan menang lg...mama irham n papa irham tumpang glamour je ;p n tumpang tuah kakak :)

  2. best r kak...berbaloi rasa akak ada aura lucky kot...hehe

  3. tahniah...memang u ni sentiasa bertuah....bestkan...spend cuma RM200 tapi pulangannya berganda-ganda harganya...hehehe

  4. Tahniah..tahniah kemenangan besar nie...he..he..he bila mau balik Malaysian..kang leh kita jumpa...

  5. wahhh... dah la i suke Maclaren despite baru2 ni kene saman jhhuhuhu... :)anyway congrats!!!!

  6. aimi : rezeki kita bersama!!

    sya : :) lucky + effort +rezeki anak2 :)

    Mama Damia : tq tq :) Alhamdulillah, rezeki anak2... :)

    Zai : Balik msia nanti kita jumpa yer...u turun KL la, i belanja or masak special utk u!!

    Em's family@MIra : Tq tq..i pun suka brand ni sbb famous seantero dunia :)

  7. bestnye kak suzi.. sonoknye menang besar punyeee

  8. anin : rezeki anak2 ;) u pun rezeki melimpah ruah byk menang blog contest..suka tgk kwn2 comper menang ;)
