Tuesday 4 May 2010

It's spring time....and Subuh today is at 3.37 am :)

Spring=flowers=birds=good weather, yet it is still cold, though a lot better than the winter...

and Subuh, by end of this month, is at 2.42 am...meaning that I need to set my alarm clock, to wake up for solat first, and then continue sleeping...even cuaca kat luar tingkap terang benderang mcm pukul 8 pagi kat Msia...emmm...that's the 'beauty' of being at 4 season region ni...

Let's layan some of the pics taken at my university (near Portland Building and Hallward Library)..me love to see the PINK kalers flowers...sakura I guess :) but daffodils dh layu now...it's time for tulip to blossom...

note : I was wearing my bday dress in this pic..posing kat pink flowers...
tp tak puas ati sgt dgn this dress, sbb terlebih kembang dia punya design, floral pattern+material is nice, cuma bila pakai i rasa nampak gemuk plak (salahkan cutting bj):p 
anyway, TQ En Hubby sbb sponsor dress ni :) dh pakai first time masa pegi London the other day :)


  1. lawanye bunga2 tu....sukenye...bilelah boleh sampai kt sane ek...

  2. very the flowery. i mean, the blouse and the background. i loveeeee it!

  3. pink lagi..hehe

    mmg kak suzi suke tol ngn pink ni

    pinky gurlll

  4. CaDlyNN: boleh jer dtg sini..Air Asia kan ada :)

    belle : me memang suka flowery thingy :p

    anin : yup yup me obses dgn pink...so mcm best aa dpt pakai bj pink, tudung pin, kasut pink, pose kat bunga2 pink hehheheh and alhamduilllah me in pink of health :)

  5. so beautiful.. subhanallah ( i mean the flowers.. hahehhehe) ok la ok la u too..
