Saturday 1 May 2010

Hariz Giveaway

I'm joining the above giveaway, which is due on 29th May..

here is my pic entry..

Bday boy's name : Zharfan
Age : 4 years old plus (ni pic masa 3rd bday)

Lil bit about the pic:
Ni one of my fav pics...
sbb Zharfan susah nak senyum..moody jer masa bday party dia tu (buat kat KFC)...sbb dia takut maskot Chicky, and sbb his papa not around masa bday ni (papa masuk wad utk operate, bday tak leh cancel sbb dh lama plan + reserve semua)...
so pic ni antara pic yg dpt capture his smile, sambil pegang pisau potong kek, dgn bday cake...
ni moment masa nyanyi Happy Bday To You, just before potong kek bday..
bday ni meriah sgt sbb ramai mama frens yg attend...mama plak terover acting excited (maklumlah masa kecik2 jrg sambut bday :p)
the best part, of course yg time dpt+bukak hadiah bday...
byk sungguh Zharfan dpt hadiah bday...:) :)

To join this contest, click HERE!

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