Saturday 8 May 2010

D.R.E.S.S. to impress?

A dress (also frock, gown) is a garment consisting of a skirt with an attached bodice or with a matching bodice giving the effect of a one-piece garment.
In Western culture, dresses are usually considered women's and little girls' clothing. The hemline of dresses can be as high as the upper thigh or as low as the ground, depending on the whims of fashion and the modesty or personal taste of the wearer.


My passion over dress has growing more and good reason is because it is the spring fashion and trend to wear all types of dress here..and there are simply sooo many choices and a wide range of collection available - online and offline...

In Msia, I do have few pieces of dress (less than 10)...
and my collection increases drastically here...I have been buying quite a number of dress since I arrived here..dh penuh wardrobe my hubby bebel2 manja

and this is the latest one...

bought online from Next, sempena Mother's Day tomorrow :)
and now it is my no 1  fav from my collection thedress coz it is the perfect size, fit nicely for me (my bday dress silap pilih saiz, loose sgt2..), floral, material sgt2 soft, and design/cutting layer2....terus pakai straight-away...tak sabar2 tu...then sbb lmbt lg nak pegi holiday, so dress ni dh dirasmikan pakai pegi shopping groceries @Asda ajer huhuh

i do think that wearing dress is pretty decent, as it covers my hip & big butt :p
and the most important thing...i feel good to be clad in my fav dress!!

ni pic model pakai dress yg i beli fell in love with the dress the first time i saw it @Next online :p


  1. pewitt..cun la..cantik baju tu

  2. Nana : tq tq :) me suka sgt dgn dress ni!!
