Saturday 15 May 2010

Ada Apa dengan Iklan Susu Anmum Beruang Kutub Tak Makan Penguin

Alkisahnya, yesterday I was having usual chat (via skype) with my sis @kg, and she asked me whether I have seen the tv commercial Anmum the latest one? I asked why? and she said, my mom ie Ariff's grandma loves that iklan sooo much, as she thinks that Ariff looks alike the girl in that mom siap hafal all the dialogue in the iklan too...

I quickly search for the iklan in the youtube...and got it!! thanks God there's youtube ;) :p

Let's see the tv commercial of Anmum..

And now let's have a look at some of Ariff's latest pics...

emm...look alike ker...bear in mind, Ariff is a boy, while in the iklan, it's a girl yer...

I guess because Ariff got long hair like girl, and muka bulat like that girl, so ada lah kot cam iras2... :)
but i do like this iklan sbb cute jer dialogue2 uttered by that girl (with cute voice too)..
tp Ariff tak minum susu brand Anmum pun, and neither is Zharfan :p :p

I know Ariff's nenek misses him soo much...sbb nenek yg jaga Ariff masa dlm pantang kan...Ariff and we all here in Notts miss Nenek too...

ariff & nenek masa our family vacation @Langkawi, Dec 2009


  1. a'ahla... tang mata dgn hidung memang ketara sama..
    kalau ariff rambut pjng, agaknya mukanya pun sebiijik sama dgn girl tu.. comelll.

  2. Bunga : me pun rasa ada iras2 lah kot ariff dgn that girl... ;)

  3. a ah, bru perasan...ada iras la :)

  4. aimi : yup yup...tu nenek ariff suka sgt dgn iklan tu...

  5. Ya Allah, comelnye Ariff tu... geram tgk pipi dia yang bulat... rasa nak cubit dan cium2 je...
