Saturday 24 April 2010

"Warna kegemaranku (Contest KhazisBoutique)"

I'm obsessed with PINK...
PINK has always been my favourite colours...ever since I could remember...
Most of my stuff, esp my beloved stuff.... all are in PINK colour...

hmmmm....Tak percaya??

Let's see what's that I got in PINK..

My beloved Guess watch!

My super comfy Crocs (ori tau..beli kat Crocs outlet )

My IKEA bedroom slippers..
My beloved pair of Nike sneakers...(dh faded sbb dipakai dgn jayanya)

My gloves..(teman setia di musim winter)

My purse & coin bag

My all-time-fav skincare Crabtree & wangi and PINKY!

My sofa cover.throw is in PINK 
Even my Nokia hp housing is in PINK
 [pic dicilok  dari Mr Google, coz my actual Nokia HP model zaman kuno housingnya dh teramat worn out now - segan nak letak pic kat sini :p]

And of course my blog - my journal of life - is also in PINK layout!

If possible, I wanna have a PINK house...(Mr Hubby mesti tak setuju punya hheheh)

and a PINK car! -->bangga kalau dpt drive sporty PINK car like this!

and a PINK laptop..(in my wish list ni...tak tau tahun bila boleh dapat ;)
and a PINK wardrobe...-->sbb me tak de anak perempuan, so me buy for myself lah nanti ;)

talking about wardrobe, let me reveal a secret.....
-->>truthfully, 80% of my clothing( ie blouses, dresses, tudung, bj kurung, kebaya, nighties, pyjamas, trousers, panties) are in PINK colour!!the other 20% is in red, peach, blue, beige and purple, but none in green :p )

Tak percaya?? 
no jokes guys....let's see some of my fav outfits collection...of course all in PINK!


dan lagi

dan lagi

dan lagi

dan lagi

dan lagi...

dan lagi..

dan lagi...

dan lagi..

sila jgn pening muntah tgk pic baju2ku in PINK colour ni.. oh yer..even my handbag pun in PINK ;)---see dlm pic di atas..

so what's so special about PINK after all?
-->>ni hasil my research dgn En. Google -_-
PINK is the color of universal love. 

PINK is a quiet color. 
Lovers of beauty favour PINK
A PINK carnation means "I will never forget you".

PINK provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance
Source :

Ain't these facts sweet??!!

Coming back to baju-fashion-clothing-apparel-stuff.... 
 yess...I simply fall in love with all the PINKY stuff sold at Khazi's kidding!!

here are list my new love :p
Tudung Ika...all in PINK!

Baju Kurung in PINK!

Me thinking of grabbing some of these PINK enchanting stuff soon ..bila budget mengizinkan :)


me love the new PINK theme colour of Khazis Boutique site....

and me feeling like jumping with joy to know that Khazis Boutique is having a Giveaway, --> lovely prizes await  the winners...TQ TQ for generously sponsoring the Contest!!

me praying for LUCK and REZEKI to win...amiin..

last but not least, believe it or not??...
 Some JUICY facts about PINK...

-->PINK represents sugar and spice and everything nice!!

[source :]

PINK people require affection and like to feel loved and secure;  PINK people tend to be charming and gentle !!

Before I pen off, I'm thrilled to know that there's also PINK song by Aerosmith...
here is partial of the lyrics...

"Pink, it's my new obsession, yeah
Pink, it's not even a question
Pink, on the lips of your lover
'Cause pink is the love you discover..."
-->ni my lil sweetheart in pink ;)
otti (sometimes)
erja-keras (to win this contest... hehehhe)



  1. suzz...I pun minat kaler pink..hehe
    get one daughter la suzz..then u can share all item things with your little darling...

  2. daughter...emmm...tgk nanti mcm the moment rasa mcm nak tutp kedai tak tau ler...sbb papa zharfan kata nak girl..dia kata kalau tak mau preggy let's adopt one...emmmm

    so u+i dua2 minat PINK ;)

  3. salam mama zharfan...good luck untok mama zharfan jugak k :)

  4. ambaoi hai... serba serbi pink hahaa... kita serupa la mama zharfan. pink itu sungguh indah ><

    good luck laling ^^

  5. salam kenal
    kita pun ada purse pink sama macam kamu,hehe hubby yang belikan
    neway, my hubby loves pink
    dia yg belikan stuff in pink
    lappy pun dia belikan pink kaler wpun tahu isteri dia ni suka merah.hehe
