Monday 19 April 2010


I'm joining the above contest, which is due on 16 may.

here is my pic entry...

lil story psl bj sedondon dlm pic:

me suka sgt bj sedondon ni, sbb me, hubby and our kids (Zharfan & Ariff) dpt berposing sakan dgn baju yg exactly sama!! 
alkisahnyer, me won a contest --> sempena minggu penyusuan susu ibu last year, so dpt t-shirt sedondon saiz baby and XL, so t-shirt tu utk hubby+ lil Ariff. t-shirt tu brand intial BM disulam khas ie BlessedMum..
so me pun order lagi 2 helai t-shirt ie saiz L for me dan saiz toddler for my Zharfan..
so taraaa!! 
all 4 of us dpt pakai t-shirt yg sedondon 100%! and we all pakai blue jeans/denim utk menambahkan kesedondonan heehheh...
hubby buat funny remark, katanya pakai sedondon mcm ni rasa mcm team bola sepak plak :p

Details of the contest click HERE!

ni pic selingan/tambahan:

1 comment:

  1. salam perkenalan....

    all done...

    sungguh sedondon la kamu sekeluarga hehehehe...

    good luck ye...
