Tuesday 20 April 2010

Photobook? me love it!

I remember holding my 1st ever photobook couple of years ago(I won it from a contest in Parenthood magz, the photobook was sponsored by Pixart)...and from that moment I fell in love with Photobook...

it's awesome to see our memories, fav pics treasured in a form of photos in books -->that's a PHOTOBOOK!

and me have just received my new photobook, that me ordered from Snapfish.co.uk (online photo printing service under Toys R Us)!

it's cover is blue in colour...
and it contains pics from our outdoor photoshoot that me won from Deep Blue Lense...
me simply love all the pics, so me decided to treasure it in a form of photobook - (well, Snapfish is having a promo of 50% discount- that's one of the reasons why me decided to order it ;)

for me, it’s a joy to showcase and treasure my life’s memories in a photobook ....and me can share it with everyone that me love ;)

note : the 50% discount promo will end by 30 april, so me have ordered another photobook -->> pics of london holiday ;)


  1. waaa..beshnye...mcm nak beli gak la...

  2. nice ...simple..and can remain all our memories..

  3. berapa ringgit ni semua plus shipping ek?
    mahal tak?
    saya wat gak photobook..dah buat 3 dah..hehe..mmg suke sgt ngan photobook ni tp semuanya order kat malaysia jek..kat photobook malaysia and u-print
