Thursday 29 April 2010

Mixed feelings on my bday...

Bday is just once  a year, so it would be nice if we could do something special & memorable...

so how did i spent my bday?...

bgn pagi2, dpt suprise a dozen of roses from beloved hubby, cards form hubby & my zharfan, and a mini custard cake (which is super sweet rasanya)..and they sang me happy bday :) sweet yet i got to know about it since last nite, coz my zharfan sibuk bisik2 to me , papa beli bunga :p

and then me was moody, sbb duit elaun/scholarship kpt tak masuk in my account (whereas me desperately need to pay house rent etc)...when I emailed KPT, the officer-in-charge replied saying that she 'terlepas pandang my name'!!! aduss!!! kena tunggu until next week lah nampaknyer..

and then I went to school, coz I got a meetin with my supervisor at 11 am....meeting finished at 11.40...quickly chased hopper bus, then hubby fetch me...pegi byr sewa rumah kat landlord, then pegi amik my bday cupcake specially baked by Kak Anim!!! hepi hepi dpt bday cake!!

Then balik umah, tunggu zharfan balik dari school, then went out for picnic at riverside...beli kfc tapau...amik pics kat riverside tu...
then  singgah window shopping kat Next, Boots, Toys R Us..

then balik umah...
the end...
that's how i spent my bday
and happy sgt2 coz i got sooooo many bday wishes  from family, frens, relatives, mostly via FB, other than via email + blog!!! overwhelmed :)

o yess, i bought  a new hp coz my adik lelaki gave me some bday money :)

more pics in next entry...

bday mommy,


  1. wa... romantiknyaaa.. best2.. :)

  2. hehe.bila anak2 dah leh bcakap..mmg akan ada je yg kantoi. bahay kan? :P

  3. Bunga : sekali sekala best gak sbb my hubby bukan jenis yg memang his great effort ni for me ;)

    isabelle : tu la psl..lawak gak, tp cute, and i jd curious + eager tak sbr2 nak tgk bunga tu heheh

  4. hepie belated bufday dear... u look pink.
