Tuesday 6 April 2010

Me won 2nd prize from Qistina Collection Contest ker lucky draw <<--rezeki my upcoming bday ;)

Me just received an email from Qistina Collection, that me as one of the winners for their contest --> Contest ker Lucky Draw. 
Me quickly check the result out...and...

Horayyy!! Me won 2nd prize...

"Tempat kedua:
  1. 1 x Kebaya Jawa (set baju pasang + selendang), harga pasaran RM 100++ 
  2. 1 x Brooch batu Austria berjuntai"
Rezeki and kira hadiah for my upcoming bday end of this month ;)

Many2 thanks to Qistina Collection for choosing me as one of the main prize winners!!!


-feeling blessed-
mama zharfan


  1. tahniah!!..best tu hadiah..leh wat baju raya.

  2. best tu suzi...dah ada sepasang baju raya untuk u tahun ni...huhu

  3. Siti : tq ;) yeah bj raya ;)

    Ayu : rezeki dpt bj raya... ;)

  4. hai suzi..

    salam kenal..

    tahniah menang ye..leh wat baju raye..
