Saturday 10 April 2010

me ain't craving for KFC anymore ;)

who doesn't love KFC?;) most of us love KFC, of course not for regular meal, but to have it once in a while is simply nice and sumptuous..

anyway, me know that UK has a number of halal certified KFC...and finally last week, me had the chance to be there-->KFC at Alfreton road, which is only 5 min drive from our rented home!

of course the menu is not as expansive or as of wide range as KFC in msia <--no rice definitely, and no kids meal as well, no iced mile...lots of NO actually...but most of the menu on saver's package starts from 99p, which we think pretty cheap (dun convert to RM pls :p) so me end up having 2 set of mini variety bucket for me only yer (one small piece of chicken and popcorn chicken),and my zharfan was enjoying his corn (jagung rebus mini) total spent for our first visit : 9.71 pound --> ok for eating out ;)

let's layan some of the pics yer...

1 comment:

  1. wah... sedapnya!!! ni yg nk keje pujuk big boss suh pegi nih..hehe
