Friday 16 April 2010

happy 1st birthday my lil sweetheart : AHMAD ARIFF SHAH -_-

Dear my lil darling Ariff,
Today one year ago you came into Mama, Papa, and Zharfan's life...
U add sweetness, joy and fun to our family...
Mama loves u with all my heart and soul.
Mama always prays for your health, happiness, everything good in life..

Note : TQ to Cik Teh for the bday treat (Mama used the cash for Ariff's bday cake and to buy some new clothing for Ariff soon, and tq to Auntie Farizah for the bday gift -best tu dpt one suit dari Next ;) ) and many2 thanks for all the bday wishes from Cik Emy,Ayah Ja, Auntie Ezna, Autie Isabelle, Autie Aisya, Auntie Murni..and all yer...ramai sgt nak sebut ni...


  1. Happy Bufday Ariff. Ariff nampak dah besao laa.

  2. hepi besday dear ariff...makin comel aunty tgk ariff ni...dari 2 bulan i tgk die masa u bawak ke cfs...sekarang dah besar suzz....kiss ariff utk I...hadiah kena tuntut bila balik Malaysia :P

  3. happy birthday lil ariff.
    tembunnya pipi dia. gerammm...

  4. happy besday ariff!! cute giler ketawa nmpk gigi..haha...nti auntie pass besday gift ek kat mama ek:D

  5. Momma Mia : Tq!- Ariff memang dh besar - dh sethn :)

    Ayu : tq ! - hadiah akan dituntut later hehehe :)

    Isabelle : tq!

    Sya : tq ! tq in advance - kalau jd akak plan nak buat mkn2 jugak, kecil2an lah, ujung bln ni ;) u are in my invited list as usual :)

  6. suzz, suka gambar ariff dengan kek. wah cik teh banyak kasi cash yer?. murah rezki cik teh. suka kek + candle tu.....BEST BEST!!!!

  7. Happy Bufday Ariff.dah besar pun..

    25 nanti besday akif plak...

    kejap jer dah setahun ..rasa cam semlm jer zai di operate..

  8. ezz: Cik teh memang dermawan dgn anak2 sedare - untung ada cik teh!!

    zai : tq ..and happy bday in advance to aqif yg sgt hensem itu!! buat bday party kat mana nanti?
