Thursday 8 April 2010

Deep Blue Lense : My fav photographer ever ;)

Me can't stop smiling when reading the entry at Deep Blue Lense blog...yeah...the photoshoot was fun, enjoyable, memorable for me and my even printed out the pics from the photoshoot, and me have ordered a photobook which contains pics from the photoshoot!!!

and me wanna have another photoshoot with Deep Blue Lense when me come back to Msia next year, Insya Allah..

o yess. me love Deep Blue Lense because they (both Emma&hubby) are very professional in their work, very co-operative--> my boy Zharfan love photoshoot with them, very fast in their service (I got my cd very2 fast!), the quality of work is awesome and the best part, the charge/price is VERY2 AFFORDABLE!!!!

Feel free to surf their site and hire them...after all, our family fondest memories, sweetest moments fade fast...with Deep Blue Lense, they'll forever last!

happy me


  1. suzie!!!! thanx a lot for this kind entry.. i x habis2 senyum nie.. hehe..

    i heard u preggy ek? if yes, thn depan sure tambah meriah la kan? hehe..

    -mama emma®-

  2. u are most welcome ;)
    preggy??berita palsu tu!! i ingat dh nak tutp kedai ler :p 2 boys are good enough ;)
