Saturday 17 April 2010

ConTest "Tidur Paling Comel" by InfantiaHouse

I'm joining the above contest which is due on 31st May.

Here is my pic entry..

Baby's name : Ariff Shah
Age : 1 year old
DOB : 15 APRIL 2009
warna kesukaan : blue & orange

Pic ni diambil semlm ie masa hari bday Ariff yg pertama...sbb dh penat berposing (Mama paksa Ariff posing :p ) amik pic dgn kek, and Mama bagi Ariff comot2 mkn kek, Ariff pun tertido dgn comel dan nyenyaknyer , comel -->>siap pakai badge 'Birthday Boy' , and posing sambil tido pegang 'bee' --tu hadiah yg dpt dari contest Twinky Winky Stars...

to join this contest, click HERE!


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