I'm joining the above contest, which is due on 25th April.
Here is my pic entry...
Baby's name : Ariff
DOB : 15th April 2009
Mommy's name : Suzi
Mommy's email : suzie284@gmail.com
DOB : 15th April 2009
Mommy's name : Suzi
Mommy's email : suzie284@gmail.com
I choose the above pic for the contest because this is one of my fav pic of Ariff in his happiest mood...and I love taking his pic when he wears the snow hat (actually it is mine, that's why it is in pink kaler :p)... seeing his smile, giggles and laughter always makes my day and cheers me up...my baby is one of the greatest blessing I ever have in my life...I wish I could treasure every single moment of being together with my lil sweetheart!
to join this contest, just click on the banner, or can simply click HERE!
-mama zharfan-
waaa.. so kiut.. pandai die aksi depan kamera yer.. mmg comell..
thanks for joining ya!! good luck!!
tq for the compliments ;) and for visiting my entry :)
memang comey..gebu betul :P
akmafaizal : tq for the compliment :)
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